Working women almost certainly caused the credit crunch


Registered User
According to this article - Working women almost certainly caused the credit crunch
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Are women really at fault? - Is it time for a return to the kitchen sink?:D
Well if that's the case, won't we have to blame Charlie McCreevy for individualisation of the tax system?
According to this article - Working women almost certainly caused the credit crunch
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Are women really at fault? - Is it time for a return to the kitchen sink?:D

Right this makes perfect sense to me, we get them to give up their cars, the vote, the right to be employed after they are married, to answer back, drinking pints in the bar, wearing trousers...

Yeah this is definitely going somewhere

and if my beloved reads this post I'll be going somewhere too!!!
I particularly enjoyed the humourlessly indignant responses in the letters page a couple of days later. That'll show that invidious bile-spewing woman-hating Newton Emerson, that will. :rolleyes:

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The 'Credit Crunch' will be shown to be a massive Feminist Conspiracy to take over the world of work and force men into the home, some may then use their exalted buying power to cancel Sky Sports in homes where it already exists. Just look for example at recent job losses, the majority of people joining the live register are men, 2/3rd of the increase in January, February's figures will be released today.
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We had a major recession back in the 50s also when women were locked in the kitchen...

I think we have to find someone else to blame.
With your username, doesn't that sound like a particularly risky recommendation? :D

True, I work for a bank but at the lowest possible level!!!

No 6 figure salary, bonus or golden handshake for me. Even my meagre pension is looking dodgy.