I want a garden- new series


Registered User
Anyone see this last night? I have to say I really like the series and Diarmuid is a very talented designer but some of the participants (very few in fact) in the show can be a bit much. I couldn't believe last nights installment- the guy (Mr Hoff) was wearing his "Prada" shoes (according to his missus anyway) and white trousers at one point, while "supposedly" getting stuck into the construction of the garden. He alternated between a selection of white/ cream tousers, shorts etc. Strangely enough he was the only "worker" who didn't appear to use or wear any PPE (personal protective equipment) at all, even when using a strimmer! The real workers saw fit to wear the obligatory rigger boots while placing concrete, but not our man, oh no- deck shoes! Very strange. Nice garden though....
she was a right stomach pump....

I loved her comments at the end..."its always better when you get stuck in and hands on when it comes to getting a project like this done"

She probably stretched to making the tea all week.

The husband was a bit more down to earth although he did look like a prat in his pink shirt and white trousers digging up the back garden. At least he got stuck in. As for wearing the PPE....his site, his responsibilty, I suppose

Some of these people really annoy me they way they go on that dropping €40k on their back garden is no big deal to them at all. Maybe it isn't, but she made the point of mentioning on a few occasions.
She was so painful I'm surprised the hubby didn't bury her in all that concrete. Liked the pavillion tho except for those hanging chairs. All those plants will be dead next year as these people haven't a clue...
Did you see the get-up on her at the end? Cocktail dress, stilettos and acres of thigh.
I thought the inside of their house showed nil imagination. It looked like everything was lifted straight from a magazine. Cold and unwelcoming.
He was a total prat but not as bad as his missus slobbering over poor Diarmuid!
As usual liked Diarmuid Gavins design- it clearly suited this family. I really felt though that the makers of the programme had tried their best to edit it to try to show the couple in a certain unflattering light. I did cringe when the woman was going on about loving Gavin- but I still thought that in essence this was a nice warm woman excited about having Gavin design her garden. And that they could laugh at themselves- she laughed about 'worshipping' Gavin- he was being teased about not being hands on. At no point did you see the woman doing any work in the garden- but maybe she did. Anyway how much could she do with a toddler to keep away from machinery etc.

Big deal if they have €40k to spend on a garden- well why not.
She was so painful I'm surprised the hubby didn't bury her in all that concrete. Liked the pavillion tho except for those hanging chairs. All those plants will be dead next year as these people haven't a clue...

So proud of their enormous trees and shrubs - they probably didn't realise that if they got smaller cheaper ones they'd have the pleasure of tending them and watching them grow. At least half the point of planting a garden is watching it develop and mature over the years. That pair will probably employ a gardener anyway but if the plants all die they can just put another 7K's worth in next year... More money than sense - that's for sure. (And 36 tons of concrete in the garden now, so we won't be buying their house!)
I agree, they were both very pretencious, and every chance she got she was 'handling' Diarmuid. Unlike the clip for next weeks show, the lady looks very down to earth and diarmuid has a page filled with Diarmuid loves (that lady) cant remember her name. Should be interesting to compare the two.
Did anyone see the final part of a two-part makeover in Rathfarnham? It was on about 3 or 4 weeks ago. They were having huge logs put in to support something or other but they ended up loosening and that's where part 1 ended. What happened?
New Money

That's what I thought. To be honest I'd never seen this programme before last night. I genuinely thought it was a "Paths to Freedom" spoof for a good 10 minutes. Decadence finished off the Romans and it'll be the end of us to based on this nonsense.
Not to worry, no doubt it will be repeated after election hype is over!!! Is'nt that what RTE is all about!!!
By the way, does anyone else think that Diarmuid looks increasingly like he needs a good fitness coach?
Toddler & pond don't exactly go hand in hand. She obviously doesn't have any older kids cos once the sand pits come out and they start to run a muck in the back garden, I'd love to see it in 5yrs time.
But I agree she'll probably get someone in to look after it.
Lovely garden but some apes the 2 of them, more of a boasting session than a garden design for them!!
Sorry I missed the program - sounds a hoot.

As an aside, does anyone else think that the program title says it all about living in Ireland in the 1st decade of the 21st century: "I want a....."
I am a little surprised at the feedback, wondered if (maybe) I was a lone voice on a Monday morning...