Possible PayPal scam


Registered User
Had an item for sale on Facebook marketplace and received interest from a buyer. They asked of payment through PayPal was ok. Sent them the PayPal weblink to pay. They said they were using the app so needed PayPal address. Sent them the user name. They said they would send payment.

About an hour later received a message saying they had sent payment. Also got a text from Paypal with a security code that would expire in 10 minutes. Message also said not to share code with anyone. Buyer then sends message saying they need the code to confirm the payment went to the right person and not to share the code as someone with the code could receive the payment.

So it seems they try to access your PayPal account and try to trick you into sending the security code to get access.
Report it to PayPal and Facebook so that they can warn others. Although they probably know about it already.

Well done on remaining alert.

Report it to PayPal and Facebook so that they can warn others. Although they probably know about it already.

Well done on remaining alert.

Reported user to Facebook marketplace and have notified PayPal. They never haggled over price, probably another sign.
Sent them the PayPal weblink to pay. They said they were using the app so needed PayPal address.
This was the first warning sign. If they are using the app - when they click the link it will open the app on their phone.

If you haven't done so already, change your password.

If you are using Chrome it will now tell you if your password has been compromised if you go to Settings > Passwords.
Certainly looks like someone had a go alright, just one or two things I'm not clear about...........
About an hour later received a message saying they had sent payment
From whom? PayPal or your 'scam artist'?

Also got a text from Paypal with a security code that would expire in 10 minutes.
Had you initiated this SCA by trying to log into your Paypal account?

Buyer then sends message saying they need the code to.............
This would be the biggest give away IMO.

So it seems they try to access your PayPal account and try to trick you into sending the security code to get access.
I would suspect they were going down the 'Forgot password' route to set up their own.

And lastly I assume you never received any payment ?:D
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Certainly looks like someone had a go alright, just one or two things I'm not clear about...........

From whom? PayPal or your 'scam artist'?

Had you initiated this SCA by trying to log into your Paypal account?

This would be the biggest give away IMO.

I would suspect they were going down the 'Forgot password' route to set up their own.

And lastly I assume you never received any payment ?:D
Message from the would be scammer that they had sent payment. I didn't initiate the request for the code. First time I'd ever received one.

Once they asked for the code that convinced me, so changed password just to be sure. Checked account and no record of any log ins from unknown devices. Looks like the forgot password route and phishing for code.

And you are correct, never received payment, just like one of the many foreign lotteries I've won.