Call from unknown number

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I received a phone call from an unknown Irish 087 mobile number, upon answering there was silence and the call ended.

I called the number back but after a couple of rings the call was ended.

I've called the number several times since but "the number you are calling is not available" message is played.

Has anyone experienced this?

Could it be some sort of scam or perhaps the DSP checking on people in some way?
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That I don’t know. We’re probably not permitted post phone numbers on this site?

was it an 083 number?

Ive also been phoned from Albania and Sri Lanka recently.
Have you checked your bill - I presume you have ? These are often scammers that charge prime rates when you ring them back. If you are on unlimited calls you may be OK.
If you could be bothered... try phoning straight through to the voicemail, see what kind of greeting is there?
Top tip:

1.don't answer any call thats not in your contacts.
2. If you think it might be legit / Irish/ service or trades call, send a text that you are in a mtg & can they text you, don't give your name.

Legit callers will txt you back, scammers won't.

Last tip, set up your phone to ignore unknown numbers.
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