Drew Harris to become Garda Commussioner


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it is a joke that a former PSNI officer can become Garda Commissioner.

When Charlie Flanagan asks him what he knows about the Dublin and Monaghan bombings what is he supposed to say.

Maybe the old Bertie standby “I forget”.

Or a more truthful. “Sorry my loyalty to my new job doesn’t go that far”.

Of course Charlie won’t ask him because he doesn’t want to be told.
it is a joke that a former PSNI officer can become Garda Commissioner.

When Charlie Flanagan asks him what he knows about the Dublin and Monaghan bombings what is he supposed to say.

Maybe the old Bertie standby “I forget”.

Or a more truthful. “Sorry my loyalty to my new job doesn’t go that far”.

Of course Charlie won’t ask him because he doesn’t want to be told.[/

Hope he will do a good job on the border re Brexit,,
I think it's a good thing, we need someone with a fresh perspective. We also needed outsiders to sort out our banking systems and restore credibility, remember that.
I think it's a good thing, we need someone with a fresh perspective. We also needed outsiders to sort out our banking systems and restore credibility, remember that.
To Charlie Flanagan he is not an outsider he is one of our own just like the last person in charge ,I think he is the best person for the job . I expect he will do a very good job,
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it is a joke that a former PSNI officer can become Garda Commissioner.
When Charlie Flanagan asks him what he knows about the Dublin and Monaghan bombings what is he supposed to say.

He was born in 1965. He was 9.

He is a strange choice as he hasnt tried to frame a serving garda officer unlike all our recent lot. Dunno what they were thinking.

Did no corrupt senior gardai apply?
He was born in 1965. He was 9.

I was’t suggesting that he was aware of the bombings at the time.

However the British government has refused to make its files on the matter available to the Gardai investigating.

Given his role in the PSNI and connections with the intelligence services. His insight is likely to be relevant to the investigation.
What's the issue? If he had access to classified information then I assume he signed the official secrets act. That doesn't expire. So if Charlie Flanagan asks him to reveal classified State information, he is perfectly entitled to refuse without it being used as a stick to beat him with. If the British Government is sitting on relevant information, it is up to the Government to pressure them to reveal it. Hiring ex UK police, security services, government personnel and then expecting them to reveal what they know isn't the way to do it.

I think it is a good hire. Whatever about the historic issues within the PSNI, I doubt there is a police force anywhere in the world that has undergone such fundamental and difficult change within the last 20 years. If he can bring some of that expertise, then we can at least give him a chance.
if Charlie Flanagan asks him to reveal classified State information, he is perfectly entitled to refuse without it being used as a stick to beat him with.

Thats fair enough for Drew harris, but I think the Irish public is entitled to a Garda commissioner who is fully committed to the Irish state, not committed so far as it doesn't conflict with his having signed the UK official secrets act.

This is not just an abstract question. The Dublin Monaghan bombings were the single biggest loss of life in the south during the troubles. There is an active Garda investigation. The UK government will not release its files on the case to allow the Gardai further their investigation.

It is inconceivable that Drew Harris is unfamiliar with those files.

That clearly compromises him in regard to this investigation at least. To withhold information from Gardai investigating a murder is in itself a crime, I dont think having signed the UK official secrets act is a defence.

Of course Charlie Flanagan simply doesn't care if the Dublin Monaghan bombings investigation never goes anywhere.

See Irish Times report for more details.
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Thats fair enough for Drew harris, but I think the Irish public is entitled to a Garda commissioner who is fully committed to the Irish state, not committed so far as it doesn't conflict with his having signed the UK official secrets act.

I don't know what that means. Given the abject performance of the last two "unconflicted" commissioners, there was no way the appointment could go to a domestic candidate. Their conduct in office brought shame to AGS and to this state. At least one of them should be in prison in my opinion.
If Drew Harris can conduct himself in office in accordance with his oath and bring respect back to the force, he is the man for the job.
I think the Irish public is entitled to a Garda commissioner who is fully committed to the Irish state
As opposed to the last few we had who were fully committed to the upper ranks of the Gardai and covering their own asses?
The question cremeegg is asking here has nothing to do with previous Garda commissioners. Thats just whataboutery.

It's a valid question as to what info the new commissioner has in relation to active investigations on both sides of the border.
His own father was killed by republicans- I'm sure he'd like to see the Garda file on that to see if any info exists in the South about it.

I am all for an outside commissioner - I would have expected that the first such appointment would have come from the likes of the US, Canada, Australia etc. Somewhere with a bit of distance from the North/UK
The question cremeegg is asking here has nothing to do with previous Garda commissioners. Thats just whataboutery. I am all for an outside commissioner - I would have expected that the first such appointment would have come from the likes of the US, Canada, Australia etc. Somewhere with a bit of distance from the North/UK

I don't see how it affects his current ability to fulfil the job. Anymore than if someone with Royal Navy experience or RAF experience should be precluded from working in the Irish defence forces. They should be under no pressure to breach the Official Secrets Act.

I don't get this emphasis on "full commitment" to the Irish state which is where I referenced previous Garda commissioners, who presumably were expected to be fully committed, well it didn't seem to improve their conduct in office.
The same accusation could be labelled at any non-Irish citizen.

If there was a better external candidate I'm all ears but so far nothing I've heard suggests he isn't the best person for the position.
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I am all for an outside commissioner - I would have expected that the first such appointment would have come from the likes of the US, Canada, Australia etc. Somewhere with a bit of distance from the North/UK
He knows the security and policing system here. He's worked closely with the Gardai for years. He's been part of the biggest and most successful transformation of any police force I can think of. He had a reputation for balance, fairness and professionalism. I don't see a downside, unless you are a gombeen Garda (a small but damaging minority).
If there was a better external candidate I'm all ears but so far nothing I've heard suggests he isn't the best person for the position.

But maybe all he had to be was the best of the viable candidates who applied ?

The article cited includes two internal candidates, possibly a third, so there were three, possibly two, viable candidates. The role would seem to be something of a poisoned chalice, given recent history with the last two incumbents and the whistleblower tribunal Any ambitious suitably-qualified person considering applying would have to have spent about 30 minutes with a search engine to conclude it wasn't worth it.
There are a number of other issues in addition to the Dublin Monaghan bombings where someone with access to the PSNI and MI5 files would be in a difficult position as Garda commissioner.

You can be sure there are journalists and opposition politicians out there now asking themselves how best they can expose those difficulties.

Paul Williams asked Harris about the Smithwick tribunal already, I would imagine we will be hearing more about that.

What Drew Harris knows about the planning and authorisation of the murder of Pat Finucane, knowledge that may not have been made available to the Cory Inquiry is a question that may become very topical very quickly. But may become a matter for another thread.