Maternity benefit


Registered User
if you are lucky enough to be employed somewhere which tops up the State Maternity Benefit is it right to accept that top up if you have no intention of returning to work after the period of your maternity leave?
Perhaps not but employers probably shouldn't focus on individual cases but rather take an overall view; some on maternity leave won't return and some will. I think employers should pay the top-up. I'm sure some intend to return to work but their mindset changes during the maternity leave, and vice verse. I would advise anyone going on maternity leave to take the view that they will be returning to work and not to make an ultimate decision until near the end of the leave.
Looks like splitting hairs .See Ye all next Week.Enjoy the week end.
Mother of the Sufferin', Crucified Jingo, Purple - it was the Public Servants; now 'tis the Yummy Mommies:rolleyes:
Mother of the Sufferin', Crucified Jingo, Purple - it was the Public Servants; now 'tis the Yummy Mommies:rolleyes:
A friend of mine is pregnant and as she does not plan to return to work she has resigned from her job. Her employer does top up Maternity Benefit. Her sister is very angry with her and said things like she has betrayed all women and other over the top hyperbole.
I'm just interested in other peoples opinions.
The lady in question said that it would be dishonest to accept the payments.
I know you're entitled to it but I know a girl who got pregnant on her unpaid leave (after top up for first 6 month), and went straight on to next 6 month paid and then another unpaid when she got pregnant again...went back to work when 7 months pregnant for third time. Stayed for an afternoon...went out on sick out on paid maternity leave.

I think personally it's a bit much as the same girl complained about people using the system. But then again if it's there to be used...and to be fair the third child wasn't planned.
I know you're entitled to it but I know a girl who got pregnant on her unpaid leave (after top up for first 6 month), and went straight on to next 6 month paid and then another unpaid when she got pregnant again...went back to work when 7 months pregnant for third time. Stayed for an afternoon...went out on sick out on paid maternity leave.

I think personally it's a bit much as the same girl complained about people using the system. But then again if it's there to be used...and to be fair the third child wasn't planned.

Is she a teacher ? :cool: Me wearing disguise, after that.
No. It's a senior management civil service job and her husband heads up the department.