Nick Pell in the Irish Times


Registered User
Why are pseudo-liberals getting their knickers in a twist about the article by Nick Pell published in the Irish Times?
How has the left wing liberal consensus become so main stream and dominant in this country that the right-wing version of the Loony Left is not even allowed to have their views aired?

The lunatic and grossly offensive rhetoric propagated by the Left is so acceptable that is has become the norm and no counter view is allowed. I know the Left wing establishment thought Castro was a great guy and all that but are they really so afraid of someone looking at their solutions to our country's ills and saying that the "King has no clothes" that they are now opposing free speech?

I've been very critical of the very left wing Irish Times. It is good that they have allowed this rare voice of decent.
I had the pleasure of meeting Nick's sister, Gemma, in Paris before Christmas. She's a lovely lady and although she has quite good French, she did struggle, at times, when introducing herself.
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It was a nonsense article by Pell. I got bored after a few lines of it. But certainly wasn't offended.

To hear Colm O'Gorman on Matt Cooper last night in full melt down mode- he wouldn't let John McManus of the IT respond at all, Matt barely getting a word in either. And of course the High Priestess of Irish Liberalness, Una Mullaly, had to respond seeing as it was a 'hot topic' on social media (which seems to guide her life).

Too many people with way too much time on their hands
I LOL'd when reading about Dindu's - absolutely not regarding people of colour....We have a fair few Dindus in Cork, and in Cork they'd say "Dindu Na'een boi"
And of course the High Priestess of Irish Liberalness, Una Mullaly, had to respond seeing as it was a 'hot topic' on social media (which seems to guide her life).

Too many people with way too much time on their hands
I just read Una's reaction piece. Completely over the top. Has she ever written the same thing about their counterparts on the Left, people such as Paul Murphy, Clair Daly and the whole PBP/AAA basket of deplorable's?
Has she of her ilk ever questioned the logical conclusion of "everyone has the right to a home" or what Lenin referred to as Useful Idiots; for example the well meaning people squatting in an office in Dublin? Has she ever questioned the Trade Union led consensus on the Public Service, Pensions and Public Pay? Or are her biases ok but people who disagree with her can be dismissed and lumped together as racists and misogynists.

People like Una are the reason Donald Trump was elected.