"Land League" blocking repossession of Brian O'Donnell's home

Brendan Burgess

You couldn't make this stuff up.



Solicitor Brian O'Donnell has effectively barricaded himself into his Killiney home, assisted by members of the "new land league", in an effort to prevent the banks taking possession of it.

Members of the land league anti-repossession movement have blocked the entrance.

The group says they were invited by the O'Donnell family on the understanding a receiver would arrive today, to the house at Gorse Hill on Vico Road, in Killiney in Dublin, once valued at €30m.
What can we do to save this poor man and his family from being evicted? Is there no end to the tyranny of the Banks and their evil ways? I take it you'll be like the Grand Old Duke of York Brendan and organize a march up Killiney Hill in support;)
I do hope they enjoy their stay with the O'Donnell family - no doubt they will all get along peachily. I am sure that Brian would be more than happy to return the favour to other Land League members and perhaps even put his legal expertise at the disposal of the Land League!
It's not Brian's home.....it's his kids!!!!!

GUBU stuff this....the likes of O'Donnell wouldn't have let some of the fella's from the Land League wipe his shoes during the good old days. But needs must
You're being polite Del.... I'd suggest the O'Donnells would have been very careful where they urinated in the old days....
This type of behaviour by the O'Donnell's only makes it more difficult for future borrowers as banks will tighten up on conditions etc not to mention that foreign banks are seeing how difficult and expensive it is to regain their security in this country. Not really genuine heroes for future borrowers. Not much chance of new competition in the market with this type of carry on.
Another example of people who were doing well enough in their field of expertise and decided to go into another area and ended up bust.

Liam Carroll and Sean Quinn to name but two.
Another example of people who were doing well enough in their field of expertise and decided to go into another area and ended up bust.

Liam Carroll and Sean Quinn to name but two.

I agree and it is a very long list.
Why is he barricading himself in a house that he claims he does not own.

He pulled a fast one on the bank who never knew about the 'trust' in which he apparently had signed away the property to his children.

That 'trust' failed. As the court decided his children did not own it but one of his companies did.

He never told the bank about the trust even though the property was offered as security to the bank.

He declared that he lived in England and was entitled to UK bankruptcy, that didn't impress the English judges and so that too didn't succeed.

He also said he didn't wish to ever live in Ireland again, yet here he is back in the house he claimed he did not own.

And he's called in that crowd, Irish land league. But his son has claimed otherwise in court yesterday.

Looks like the angle now is that the 'loans' were given by one legal arm of the bank and is being repossessed by a different legal arm of the bank. Interesting to see how that will fair out. And don't see how you can go back to court when your case has already gone all the way in the Supreme court.

A man that has such experience, dealt at the highest levels, knows exactly what multiple loans on different contenents are, knew when he signed over charges on all his assets is now claiming the bank deceived him.

There is something odd in the air in Killiney. A different planet where you do not pay over those assets you voluntarily offered as security when your gambles do not pay off.

What is so stricking about all of this is how when you are worth so much you don't put aside money and assets that are unencumbered and that cannot be taken if things go spectacilaurly wrong. Down to the last 10 million now and Supreme court is not cheap. 10 million buys a fine Dublin house, one of the best and a very very nice lifestyle. And the ability to make money at the top of your two fields of expertise is still possible.

One good thing about all this. Jerry Beads, who are you kidding. O'Donnell is just a bigger version of you.
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Down to the last 10 million now and Supreme court is not cheap.

This is the bit that worries me most. If he is bankrupt, then he can take these cases and waste the lender's time and money. They might get costs against him, but they just take their place in the queue.

Jerry Beades on Morning Ireland this AM - the court order to vacate the house was against the children, and they have left. It wasn't against Brian himself and so he's staying as he has a right of residency in the house

Jerry of course fancied himself as a Property Developer, so he see's himself as Brian's equal and brother-in-arms!!! I'm sure Brian will remain as close to Jerry as they are now when this is all over!
If Mr O Donnell and land -league are not careful ,the Law of unintended consequences will apply!

It could end up that a Legal Precedent is set that will disadvantage people who genuinely believe they have right to remain in a house. People who, in laymans terms should have a right of tenure, may find that the dead hand of legal precedence puts them to the road.

I have a lot of sympathy for most people in a Repossession issue, but come on, even my sympathy is being faaaaar stretched.!

And as stated , if Mr O Donnell does appear to have a testable case ,what signal does it send to Risk Adverse Lenders?

And as stated , Law is for those who can afford to lose , or people like Mr O donnell who now has little to lose.
The rest of us can,t go to Law.
Strange that O'Donnell didn't structure his business affairs in such a way that , should everything go pear shaped, he could legally hang on to the family home. I know several people who have done just that.
Strange that O'Donnell didn't structure his business affairs in such a way that , should everything go pear shaped, he could legally hang on to the family home.

If you are borrowing millions, the banks generally want security. If you have a home worth €30m, they want that.

Strange that O'Donnell didn't structure his business affairs in such a way that , should everything go pear shaped, he could legally hang on to the family home. I know several people who have done just that.

Before the crash, property values had never gone down in Ireland. Developers were making massive amounts of money and very quickly too. Signing over the home was just seen as formality and they probably never once considered the possible consequences if things went wrong.

High Court has rejected an application by the O'Donnell children for an injunction to stop the repossession of their Killiney home.