Wedding gift - how much to give


Registered User
What is the appropriate amount currently to give. As a couple. If our kids are coming I guess it should be more and if it's a nephew does that change the amount etc. What is reasonable and what is generous.
Hi Bronte,

Most people are just happy to have you at there wedding hence the invite, so whatever you give would be appreciated.

To attend a wedding can be expensive enough with travel and accommodation expenses aswell.

I would normally give €200 as a couple, but other people have different opinions.

Hope this helps,
Used to give 200 as a couple up to a couple years ago.

But since I see most hotels are now giving dinner at much less per head I now only give 150.
€200 -€300 is fine for a nephew, depending on how close emotionally you are to him. When I got married in Dublin, uncles and aunts travelled from Limerick, Carlow etc and stayed overnight. Any gifts were welcome, but any cash varied from €150 to €300 from uncles/aunts depending on jobs/age/kids etc. The last family wedding ( not sister or brother) I was at I gave €250; hotel room cost €150 and the church was 1 hr drive to the hotel there.
To attend a wedding can be expensive enough with travel and accommodation expenses aswell.

Tell me about it, and we've to fly too ! Thanks for all the pointers guys.

One of you mentioned the meals have come down in price, what is the norm now and what was it (150 people wedding) are kids a different price.
How much to give family member as cash gift??

Hi, can anybody advise on how much to give as a wedding present to a brother-in-law and future wife gettting married in London in May?
My husband and I are at loggerheads. We have to pay for flights over for ourselves plus 3 kids (2 of kids are part of wedding party), Accomodation at hotel for duration. Spending money etc. Its gonna cost a fortune. I think £200 is loads. Any comments or suggestions would be v welcomed?