Secret Trials to stabilize Banks


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It was just a matter of time before Zanu FF instituted legislation that would make even Mr Mugabe and Mr Kim Jong wish they would be able to ignore the will of the people like the ruling classes in Ireland.

And this morning Mr Lenihan (worst finance minister of the EU) used his new powers of the Credit Institutions (Stability) Act 2010 to run to the high court to make an application in relation to a credit institution to allow him to throw more of our hard earned (or unwisely borrowed money) into a bank which he deems to be too big to fail.

Now so far so good but showing that he is nothing short of a good dictators play book he asked to have the press excluded from the hearing and that the hearing and application is done in secret and that press and even solicitors of interested parties are thrown out of the court.

There we go secret trials.

How long will Zanu FF with their co-conspirators of “greens”, ex PD members and other TD’s purchased with local money waist projects and promise of casinos continue to steer this country back into the dark ages?

It’s time to pack in and pay my taxes in a country where I actually get something in return like working public transport, a stable banking system or a working airport.
I read this in the times this morning.
Is it related to the story earlier in the week that AIB will be 100% nationalised?

[broken link removed]
Latest is that

The judge granted the order, details of which are expected to be released shortly.

Show trial over, Minister got his will, let's see what he wanted if they publish it.
This Government is hiding something even bigger from the rest of us. What is it?

My guess, and it is only a guess, is that the legislation that was rushed through the Dail was to enable lenihan to confiscate (legally) bank accounts.

Ask yourself, why did the ECB kick up that fuss earlier this week?? Because they saw that there was no mechanism for them to get back their money deposited in Irish banks, under such a scenario ......
I thank the lord that I have left Ireland and I am never coming back. They are making North Korea look like a nice place to live.
I thank the lord that I have left Ireland and I am never coming back. They are making North Korea look like a nice place to live.

Amen! Also out and never going back. I feel really sorry for my extended family there though. Particularly for my elderly parents and my many nieces and nephews.