Wool in machine


Registered User
Made a huge mistake yesterday, washed a blanket in the machine (should have been dry cleaned)and all the wool came off and seems to be lodged in machine somewhere. Cant get rid of the wool despite putting it through about 20 washes today. Dont want to get it fixed unless I can be certain they can do something as I have had endless trouble with the machine, on the other hand it was an expensive machine, three years old. Any ideas
Up to five years old it may be looked after by a service contract.
You should check out any terms or conditions - just ring them up.
Cost for any repair or replacement may be the call out fee of circa €100.
In ours the filter was under a cover - but the service guy will know all this.


Wash some things (something like a rug or blanket you know doesn't shed) you don't care about in it... The wool will probably cling to to it...

Oh and I know it doesn't help now, but whenever I'm washing something for the first time like rugs etc., I put it into a closed duvet cover before putting it into the machine... Fluff gets contained in the event of a major shedding incident, and I've had many... I could stuff a matress with the amound of fluff I've had!...