Woodworm contractor in South Dublin


Registered User
Can anyone recommend a good, reasonable wood worm contractor for a house in the South Dublin area?

Any idea of a ballpark figure to treat the attic and maybe under the stairs of a small 3 bed ex corpo semi?

Will I need to completely empty all the 'stuff' from the attic? What about the insulation and attic flooring?
Depending on amount of infestation will largley depend on cost. Are there any timbers that are beyond saving?
I would suggest completely removing any stored materials to allow any spraying or timber treatments to be carried out. How extensive is the flooring, is it over entire area and does it look like it has been attacked also. Really without a specialist carrying out a report it is hard to determine costs.
No. All the timbers are grand. I don't think it's too bad really, but if you look closely you can see little holes here and there and there is some of the saw dust stuff on cobwebs, which makes me think they must still be alive!
I just want a good spray to catch it before it goes any further.

Only thing is, there is fiberglass betweenthe joists and about half the attic is floored and filled withthe usual junk