will no contract affect mortgage


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Myself and my better half put a booking deposit on a house last week, and applied for a mortgage, we got approved in principal, but unfortunately i work in media, and they refuse to sign the salary cert because it holds them liable? I just dont understand. I dont have a contract, but was told i was permanent, but they just dont want to give it in writing, which is normal in media. What should I do, because i'm affraid it will all fall through now?

Any advice really appreciated.
You have a right in law to an employment contract. Check out the Terms and Conditions of Employments Act - I think it is.

The danger is that if you push it, you might lose your job through redundancy.

I appreciate your employer's point of view though. If they say that you are permanent and then they make you redundant next month, the lender might have a go at them.

Thanks Brendan, this is it though, the media industry is a fickle one, and if you step on someone toes, it could be goodbye job, hello unemployment. a lot of people are in the same position as me here, but I just wonder if there is anything that can be done that will not hold them as 'open' if they signed it. my boyfriend works at a trade, with a company and is permanent, and signed no contract but his manager stil filled out the salary certificate. I means that Its my career thats holding us back from getting our foot on the property ladder. I just wish there was something i can do.
If they say that you are permanent and then they make you redundant next month, the lender might have a go at them.
Surely the lender cannot go after any employer based on a salary cert. There is no guarantee of or commitment to any duration with a salary cert. It is a snapshot of the current situation, no more, no less.
It is a snapshot of the current situation, no more, no less

That would be my view on it. I have no idea how some piece of paper that is NOT a formal contract could hold anyone to anything. The mortgage broker said if they filled out the form and did not fill in the temp/perm section that it may still be processed. So I'll try that avenue, and will let you all know how it goes.
You have a right in law to an employment contract. Check out the Terms and Conditions of Employments Act - I think it is.

The danger is that if you push it, you might lose your job through redundancy.

For asking for an employment contract ?

Thats crazy.