Who defines what a 'Family' is for Leisure Centre Family Membership


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When a Gym/ Lesiure Facility offers 'Family Membership' is their any government/ consumer act covering such term.

I ask only because I enquired about Yearly Family Membership in a new local public facility which also offers Pay as you use, I was advised by the Manager that to avail of "Family Membership" that our family needed to be male, female and their 2 children and they do not do Family Membership for Lone Parents or do not allow a Brother, Sister and their 2 children to join as a Family albeit that they are related.

Who defines in these situations what a 'Family' is, surely a same sex couple or a Single parent raising children in a family unit should be entitled to avail of the discount being offered as Family Membership which in this case is a difference of €120 per child if you are part of their idea of a Family.
Really that sounds a bit harsh.

Usually the term 'family' means 2 adults and 2 children (max). From their point of view the deal will be based on 2 adult fees, and a charge for the 2 children and then the fee reducted by a % discount to make the offer entice customers. They would not make a profit on a family deal for x euro and 3 adults and 5 children could avail of it!!! So if you are a lone parent and any adult friend and any 2 kids you should be able to avail of such an offer... Just phone and say 2 adults and x kids what deals please. If no joy go to your TD and the equality agency! Especially as you describe it as a public facility ie government funded...
How would they know they're not a married couple?

True, the fact that we share the same surname might help, the fact that I had a bit of a hissy fit about it might help her remember me! Also you need drivers licence or passport so addresses would be different.

I offered to pay for myself and my children (full rate for one and reduced rate for the other), she was having none of it, they do 2+2 for Family Membership.

I asked for a contact number for the Directors, she declined but gave me the visitor book to write a comment and my details in, I declined as I didn't want my mobile, address etc. public knowledge as it is on the counter for everyone to read.

I'm heading back again tomorrow to ask her to address my request in writing and then will take it up with the local County Council as it is backed by them. Perhaps this is the norm but I can't say it's ever been said as blatent as this to me, think thats what has me annoyed.
True, the fact that we share the same surname might help, the fact that I had a bit of a hissy fit about it might help her remember me! Also you need drivers licence or passport so addresses would be different.

As far as I remember theres no addrress on passports - but if you're giving your driving licence ypu could say which ever of them is oldest is your old address.

However you shouldn't have to do that at all. Especially in these recessionary times they should be glad of the membership and if they stick with reduced membership for two adults and two children it shouldn't matter if or how you're related
Thats awful. What about gay/lesbian or lone parents raising kids these days.

I thought the cinema was bad with its 2 adults + 2 kids or 1 adult + 3 kids.
Is the centre owned by the local authority and operated under contract? If so, you should certainly take up the matter with the relevant Director in the local authority. Mention the Equal Status Acts which outlaw discrimination on grounds of family status or sexual preference. Tell them that you'll be taking a case to the Equality Tribunal if not resolved.