Whitechurch, Cork



Do you know anything about the Whitechurch area? Pros & Cons? Area Plans etc?

From what I know so far (very little) it looks to be growing quite quickly but doesn't yet have the infrastructure and services to support the growing population. We are interested in a new build which is yet to be constructed so any potential move is probably 12-18 months away. The developer is Castlelands Constrcution so any feeback on them would also be welcome.

i thought all Castlelands construction had stopped? There sites in Mallow & Midleton are deserted.

But other than that sorry i cant answer your Q. Went ot a few disco`s in Whitechurch when i was youngER!!!! great craic. Whitechurch`s a lovely place. still in the countryside but very near to city.
Thanks for the reply shootingstar - as regards construction having stopped - am I missing a bigger story here?
yes but worked stopped weeks ago on both sites. The Midleton site is deserted. It was always full of diggers/worker etc. Very busy construction area. I dont know how much im allowed to say on AAM bacause i only heard things second hand.. Business not so good for them (so i heard). thats all im saying..

My friend was buying in Castlepark Mallow and pulled out. People were telling him to steer clear because of price drops / construction companies not doing as good as before. Im no expert. just all second hand info... Apparently phase 1 of Castlerock in Midleton was sold almost immediately. This phase, whichever one it is, isnt complete and theres still houses left. I didnt know Castlelands were in Whitechurch...
I dont know how much im allowed to say on AAM bacause i only heard things second hand..
Understood. I've sent you a PM in case you don't want to repeat anything publicly. I did read an article in the Sunday Business Post about them laying off workers in June...