What's the next step?


Registered User
My partner and I had decided to buy our own house but after months of looking at different properties and facing the following problems:
1)New properties - Too small and walls seem to be paper thin.
2) Secondhand properties - STAMP DUTY!
3) Prices dropping so we could potentially lose up to €30000 if we buy now.

We have decided instead to buy my parners brother out of the property they bought together 3 years ago and save for another year or so.

They purchased the property for €178000 and it is now worth approx €240000.

My question is how do we go about getting a mortgage now as my partners money is tied up in the house. They were initially going to to sell the house so that my partner would have a deposit to buy another house with me. Do we have to apply for a completely new mortgage to buy my partners brother out?

Alll guidance appreciated.
My question is how do we go about getting a mortgage now as my partners money is tied up in the house. They were initially going to to sell the house so that my partner would have a deposit to buy another house with me. Do we have to apply for a completely new mortgage to buy my partners brother out?

Yes. You agree a sale price with your partner's brother and apply for a new mortgage - you and your partner.