What will happen when/if the PService deal is rejected?

Try pay a mortgage and childcare out of it!

That has nothing to do with it. Where would we be if we all got paid according to the bills we have? Should people with children be paid more? What about those people with a bigger house?
But a position in the CS was open to everyone, you could have applied, no one i know went into the civil service to get rich.

:confused: What are you talking about? I don't want a job in the CS.

It's not the point - you implied by quoting 23K that clerical officers were underpaid. They are not particularly, that's my point.
Again, has nothing to do with thinking it is a large wage or small wage. The question should be is it a fair wage and the answer is yes. There are people in companies all over Ireland doing clerical officer type jobs earning less and not on pay scales so don't benefit from guaranteed increments.
:confused: What are you talking about? I don't want a job in the CS.

It's not the point - you implied by quoting 23K that clerical officers were underpaid. They are not particularly, that's my point.

I never said they were underpaid, they are low paid. purple was sceptical so I quoted a fact thats all
Someone else was trying to compare a junior office job to the CS that was my other point if it seems that good anyone could have gone for it!
I never said they were underpaid, they are low paid. purple was sceptical so I quoted a fact thats all
Someone else was trying to compare a junior office job to the CS that was my other point if it seems that good anyone could have gone for it!

Just like any 'low paid' employees in the public sector are free to demonstrate their anger at the recent pay cuts and reform moves by joining the private sector. Do you think we will have many takers?
If the jobs were there maybe you would have. I know many people that left the CS in the pas to go to the private sector... mostly.... because of pay...
IF the jobs were there. that sums it up!

Id imagine those who left the CS to go into the private sector are mainly unemployed now.
If they had stayed they would at least have a job etc...
+1 Sunny

Hang on a minute doubledeb, so you don't think clerical officers are underpaid - is this correct?

But, you are making a big deal out of the mortgage and childcare costs they might have to pay. But they took the job anyway and made lifestyle choices regardless of financial consequences?

It was me who mentioned the office junior job - simply comparing roughly equivalent jobs as they have roughly equivalent salaries. But it doesn't matter because apparently you don't think clerical workers are underpaid.

I don't know what your point is really.
Its true though, but thats not the PS workers fault is it?
Time to stop blaming the wrong people
If the jobs were there maybe you would have. I know many people that left the CS in the pas to go to the private sector... mostly.... because of pay...

And I know people who have gone the other way. One very recently actually.
The fact that the jobs aren't there shows how lucky the public sector is. They don't have to join the huge hoardes of people looking for scarce jobs. A few hundred thousand private sector employees are not so lucky.....

Who would you rather be, a clerical officer in the public sector earning €23k or a clerical officer in the private sector earning €25k in the current environment?
+1 Sunny

Hang on a minute doubledeb, so you don't think clerical officers are underpaid - is this correct?

But, you are making a big deal out of the mortgage and childcare costs they might have to pay. But they took the job anyway and made lifestyle choices regardless of financial consequences?

It was me who mentioned the office junior job - simply comparing roughly equivalent jobs as they have roughly equivalent salaries. But it doesn't matter because apparently you don't think clerical workers are underpaid.

I don't know what your point is really.

They are low paid, and now with the threat of another 8% cut if they don't accept the deal they certainly would be. Not making a big deal out of it but they also have bills to pay. Roughly comparable jobs yes, the same jobs no.
My point is I am trying to defend those who think the PS workers are pen pushing wasters that do nothing all day bar sit at a desk, this is not the case.
Seems I am alone in my defence...
And I know people who have gone the other way. One very recently actually.
The fact that the jobs aren't there shows how lucky the public sector is. They don't have to join the huge hoardes of people looking for scarce jobs. A few hundred thousand private sector employees are not so lucky.....

Who would you rather be, a clerical officer in the public sector earning €23k or a clerical officer in the private sector earning €25k in the current environment?

So by being lucky they should be walked all over by the government?
It would have been very different 3 years ago... asked the same question
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They are low paid, and now with the threat of another 8% cut if they don't accept the deal they certainly would be. Not making a big deal out of it but they also have bills to pay. Roughly comparable jobs yes, the same jobs no.
My point is I am trying to defend those who think the PS workers are pen pushing wasters that do nothing all day bar sit at a desk, this is not the case.
Seems I am alone in my defence...

Think you got that wrong!!

I certainly don't think that about PS workers. I also don't think the lowest paid in the public sector are any worse off than the lowest paid people in the private sector. They do however, have job security so I am struggle to understand all the rubbish that it written.
The biggest scandel was the senior civil servants. That's who the junior members and their unions should be angry at.
So by being lucky they should be walked all over by the government?
It would have been very different 3 years ago... asked the same question

How are they been all worked over? Their employer is broke. Fair enough, they have taken a paycut. However, the employer has not made any compulsory redundancies. Happening all over the Country I am afraid.

Answer might have been different. Want to know the consequences. A lot of those people who chose the job on €25k have taken a 100% paycut. I suppose it serves them right for being greedy.
How are they been all worked over? Their employer is broke. Fair enough, they have taken a paycut. However, the employer has not made any compulsory redundancies. Happening all over the Country I am afraid.

Answer might have been different. Want to know the consequences. A lot of those people who chose the job on €25k have taken a 100% paycut. I suppose it serves them right for being greedy.

We all have to make choices in life, some good some bad, unfortunately for some it was the wrong one... again how is it the PS fault exactly?
Clerical officers are similar to general office workers in e.g banks, insurance companies, call centres, multinational general employee etc. I would regard an "office junior" as someone just out of school or on work experience who is making the tea and doing gofor type stuff.

Out of interest how do clerical officer pay rates compare with bank, insurance company, call centre, multinational general employee etc.?

Though one observation I would make is that having a 25 year pay scale with the top workers earning nearly twice the bottom workers is unfair. By its nature, someone should become proficient in this type of job quite quickly - doesnt require 25 years, so doesnt need a 25 year payscale.