What was so wrong with having Cafe-bars? Publicans win again.

I knew as soon as I had mentioned temple bar that the tourists would get the blame (point taken but i still think the problem lies within ) anyway a question for one and all ,Why when after being in the pub for most of the night do Irish punters insist on doubling or trebling up as soon as last drinks are called ? How many hours drinking do we need ? p.s this practice is widespread throughout our fair isle regardless of late closing times wheter it be in the country or city
40coats said:
I knew as soon as I had mentioned temple bar that the tourists would get the blame (point taken but i still think the problem lies within ) anyway a question for one and all ,Why when after being in the pub for most of the night do Irish punters insist on doubling or trebling up as soon as last drinks are called ? How many hours drinking do we need ? p.s this practice is widespread throughout our fair isle regardless of late closing times wheter it be in the country or city

I must aggree with you 40coacts about drinking responsible .....

Another observation is why is there always no car spaces left in my local pub ?

I mean what does it take for us to learn ,,,,,

and don't give me this bull about the price of soft drinks !
If the PDs successfully portray themselves as the defenders of the small guy against big powerful interests, this attitude could leave Labour on a very sticky wicket if they are seen as the protectors of the semi-state big boys (airport, CIE etc) and the public sector unions.

In 1992 Labour made the big mistake of ruling out coalition with Democratic Left for some obscure reason and instead jumped into bed with FF. (btw, I would suggest that Labour, and the country in general, have yet to recover from the consequences of this error). In the meantime the same Democratic Left personnel that were in situ in 1992 have become respectively Leader, Deputy Leader and President of Labour!
In the meantime the same Democratic Left personnel that were in situ in 1992 have become respectively Leader, Deputy Leader and President of Labour!
The pragmatists in DL were always going to take over when the opposition was the idealists in what was the Labour party. IMHO it's a pity as the reasoned leadership of Ruairi Quinn ( a rare thing in Irish politics) has been replaced by the vitriolic populist sound bites of Pat Rabbitte.
It would be more correct to name the party Democratic Left and admit that the Labour party joined it, rather than the other was around.
- how does the last two posts contribute to a discussion on
What was so wrong with having Cafe-bars? Publicans win again.

no wonder there was two post on this topic ... one for the above topic and 2 for the
sleeping habbits of the the PDs labour and FF
That's a good question zardedt though by asking it you run the risk of splitting into another topic.... it's a tricky one isn't it?
I suppose the answer is that some contributors feel that the decision to shelve the proposal to have Cafe-bars may have had a political as well as social element and in that context the dynamic of the existing coalition government came up. From that it moved on to what alternative governments might be available.
Do you think that a FG/Labour/Green government might put this back on thhe agenda or was this a PD kite that will fly no more?