what to do for my 30th


Registered User
Hi all... im wondering what i could do for my 30th coming up in may... im an arty kind of person and dont know whether to invite 50 people or a small dinner somewhere... im having mixed feelings about what i would enjoy more because sometimes organising something big can be more stressful... any ideas ???xxxx
I'd be hoping someone would maybe be organising something for me rather than me doing any organising! - is this likely?
I just had a house party for my 30th. We decided to go down the party route because we have been renovating and it gave us a great deadline to get work done. It was very stressful leading up to the party but that was because of the renovations so if its just a birthday party it might not be too bad. I thoroughly enjoyed the night and can't wait to have another party.
A party for 50 need not be a stressful.

If you are having it in the house, arrange for caterers to do the food and ask one of your friends to look after the music (Ipod or CD's).

You mention you are arty. You could get a smaller number and do something like this
[broken link removed]
Followed by a meal somewhere afterwards...the beaufiled mews is in Stillorgan and is very nice

Happy Birthday :)
hey interesting links thanks... i live over near malahide and was either thinking of going local or into town... cant have it in the house as live in a new apt-were not in long enough for me to invite a party over nor do we have the room.... so that wont be feasable... the boyfriend is on the case support wise but im just unsure if i want a small intimate dinner with 10 friends or a big party in a function room or in town somewhere....

anyone ever heard of a restaraunt on a barge in town somewhere....xx
I had my 30th yesterday :)

Went for a 14 course meal in Thorntons at St. Stephen's Green in Dublin.

Very pricey, but absolutely worth it. You need rich friends though. It comes to about €250 per head!
Unfortunatley my 30th was a few years ago! I decided to have a joint birthday and housewarming for about 50. I booked an area in a pub where there was a bit of lively music and then about 12.00ish (to ensure taxi availability) went back to my house where there was loads of food and drink. In that way you are not expecting people to spend a fortune. Most left arounf 4.30 and the last of the crew left at 7.30am - it was great.
Enjoy whatever you do!
We went to London for the day on my 30th. Did Madam Tussauds, a matinee of my favourite musical (Wicked) and dinner then home. Had a fab day!
I'd a combined 30th/ housewarming too, was deadly, was really stressed about doing the food but wish I didn't bother, it turned into a huge booze up and all thoughts of food were forgotten. Last guest left at 11pm the next night, best thing was the amount of drink left over as everyone arrived with a bottle of something and most of what I bought was left untouched. Role on party number 2 so!!!
i went to disneyland paris ror my 30th. it was great

I got engaged on my 30th :(
this would be cool as its our 12 year anniversary the day after!!!

I had my 30th yesterday :)

Went for a 14 course meal in Thorntons at St. Stephen's Green in Dublin.

Very pricey, but absolutely worth it. You need rich friends though. It comes to about €250 per head!

We went to London for the day on my 30th. Did Madam Tussauds, a matinee of my favourite musical (Wicked) and dinner then home. Had a fab day!

hey i like the thoughts of all of them..... its all giving me great ideas thanks guys,im getting excited about it all now as before i was dreading it slightly maybe the aging insecurities are starting to subside!!!