What is the time frame for returning deposits?


Registered User

My company rented a property for some of our staff - they moved out on the 30th of May left the property in good condition with nothing broken. For the first two weeks after we moved out the estate agent that handling our letting told me he would contact us when he got a chance to look at the house and then return the deposit to me!!

The last time I heard from him was 6 weeks ago I have tried e-mailing and calling him but with no answer - I should mention the property was in Sligo and we are based in Dublin, now I know he is still renting property in the area as I have rang up another estate agent that I dealt with in Sligo and she confirmed this. So I think I need to go see him in Sligo now.

I'm wondering if you move out of a property how long does the land lord or estate agent have to inform you of any damages to the property and therefore any deductions from the deposit given to him? Is it 30 days after leaving a property? If so even if he tells me this week say that there are damages to the house and he want's to deduct that amount from the deposit is he legaly allowed to do this since it is 6 weeks since we left the property?

Sorry for the long post and all the questions i'm just trying to find out about my options.

Thanks in advance
He can give the deposit back as soon as he checks the property, Reads the Meters and contacts the Utility companies to see if their is any outstanding bills. All this can be done on the day of departure as it only takes 10 to 20 minutes.
There is absolutely no reason for delaying giving you your deposit back.