Health Insurance What do YOU look for when choosing health insurance?

Brendan Burgess

In the thread on Some Good Value Policies, Mexicola posted a listing of triads, with a link to the HIA comparison.

I did a table to compare the Key Features. I think that the idea is good but I wonder if these are the Key Features?

Laya Flex 500 Explore, Glo Net Most and Net More 300
[broken link removed]



  • upload_2015-1-18_17-9-15.png
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Attached is my spreadsheet of what I think are good value plans. It lists the main criteria for me as a 63 year old man, with no kids. They all cover both Public & Private hospitals, except VHI Company Plan Starter, which covers Public Hospitals only. I tried to upload as Excel file, but couldnt - so it is uploaded as PDF attachment, bit it spills over to 2 pages. Why cant AAM upload Excel attachements
Attached Files:


  • Health Insurance Plans Jan 2015.pdf
    44.2 KB · Views: 247
My list of Key Features is shorter than you might think -
1. Speed of access - any Insurance plan will give you this. Even a plan for public hospitals only, will give you immediate access - so you can avoid the public waiting list. I cant think of any treatment that you might need that is not available in the public hospitals - public hospitals have all the expertise & wider & more frequent experience, than the private hospitals - so, unless you really want a private room, I dont see any compelling case for a private hospital plan.

2. 100% Full orthopaedic cover - at 63 years & older, hip replacement etc is more likely - so, 100% cover is important to me. Laya have the advantage here over VHI - Laya 100% cover V VHI 80% cover for the plans on my previous attachement

3. Excess per claim of max €250 is one of my criteria - you might be tempted to accept a higher excess, in order to reduce the premium - but if you were unlucky to have a bad run requiring numerous hospital stays in a year, the excess payments would mount up - so, I will get a policy with max €250 excess per claim

4. 100% Outpatient & Day Case cover for scans, tests etc for cancer tests, cardiac tests, colonoscpy - this is another must for me, because these scans & tests can be costly.

That is about it really. I am not fussed about GP fees etc. These are relatively minor. I just want cover for the big costs, which are hospital accommodation & consultants fees for treatment.
Deciding on the health plan can be mindboggling. To demystify the process, I focus on working out what are the priority criteria, & identifying the cheapest plans that meet these criteria.
Hi cronley

That is very helpful thanks. And I agree the list should be short. The problem with the HIA comparison website is that it is full of data, but short of usable information.

As you say, every insurance plan gives you access to the public hospitals - but some limit it to 10 hospitals and some make you pay for some procedures. I will see if I can incorporate those features.
Thanks' for that input Cronley. I am finding these discussions on HI very helpful and I would imagine that many of us are now feeling more comfortable in taking on less expensive policies that cover our important needs in this area.
Would the following summary of policies be helpful in narrowing down the policies for more detailed review?

Cronley made the key point that getting treatment promptly is the most important consideration. I am trying to combine that without getting into too much detail of whether it's a private room or a semi-private room. I am trying to get the balance right between the Key Features and listing out every detail and every exception.


You ask about your summary grid. I think your chart is on the right track. I think you need separate sections on the chart for Private & Semi Private rooms in Private hospitals - because it is a key feature for many people who want the Private Hospital option.
Just to repeat my view on the single biggest issue to decide is -If you have decided you want to avoid the waiting lists, as a public patient & buy a Health Plan - your next main decision is whether you want the option of a Private Hospital, or if you are happy with a plan for immediate access to Public hospitals only - these are cheaper than plans with a Private Hospital option. If you rule out the Private Hospital option - then you need only examine Public Hospital only plans.

This thread is about trying to design a format for comparing plans.

it is not for asking advice on particular plans. I have deleted the off topic posts.


I think you need separate sections on the chart for Private & Semi Private rooms in Private hospitals - because it is a key feature for many people who want the Private Hospital option.

I had that initially but it was too cumbersome. The grid above will identify the plans which cover private hospitals, and the user would have to go into them in more detail.

Just to repeat my view on the single biggest issue to decide is -If you have decided you want to avoid the waiting lists, as a public patient & buy a Health Plan -

That is a point very well made and not stressed often enough. I will give it prominence because it really is the key reason for getting health insurance or not.

Hi Cronley

I have been thinking a bit more about this. Let's say we come up with a list of Best Buys by category. What would those categories be?

  1. Cheap cover for low risk people which guarantees them fast access - don't care about accommodation
  2. Cheap cover for low risk people which gives them good private hospital cover but with high excesses and shortfalls.
  3. Comprehensive cover for older people which includes 100% cover for orthopaedic cover, scans, etc
  4. For people with chronic illnesses - cover for day to day medical expenses and consultant fees, not pushed about hospital accommodation
  5. For people with chronic illnesses - cover for day to day medical expenses and consultant fees, and good private accommodation.
  6. For those planning a family, good maternity cover
  7. Best policies for those with children - although I suspect that this should be only a minor consideration