What do I do regarding mortgage? - In Neg Equity


Registered User
I took a voluntary severance deal from my job almost 5 months ago (it coincided with an operation which I needed so I wasn't around for work), and to be honest lived off that for five months. I still have a fair amount left. It's cheaper being at home!

I've paid my mortgage in full, but am in neg equity...my problem is that my severance wasn't enough to pay off the mortgage but too much to qualify for anything. Came off illness benefit last week. Been looking for jobs, and I've picked up a few bits and pieces but nothing like the 90k salary I was on.

I have no other debt. My tax advisor reckons I should get back money in tax top slicing relief, but I want to work!

Any advice?
Would it not be a good idea to pay some of your severence off your mortgage to chip away at the NE?
If you came off illness benefit did you not go to jobseekers benefit?