What are the measurements used to get a mortgage currently?


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A house has come up that we would really like, but it might not be right time got us to get a mortgage for it.

Currently own a house worth about 350k , mortgage outstanding is about 240k. So positive equity.

Total gross salaries 165k plus bonuses, husband is on a six month contract of 65k ( which is where circumstances might not be right come into it). It's very likely he will be taken on full time after six month contract, but that's only verbal at the moment as officially he is covering a maternity leave.

The house we are looking at is on at 425k. So we would be looking to borrow 320-330 depending on how much we get for house.

Woukd they only look at my income as the permanent job or take something into account for husbands. Or should we just wait until he gets made permanent and hope house is still there!