Wedding present - no 'thank you'?

this thread is turning into a thankless affair. :D

I havent looked but is there a polls option set up on AAM? If so, 2 options, send cards or not.

For those who want to send cards, the diywedding site might be helpful.

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a wedding invitation is a summons with fine attached. 4 such summons last year. attended a couple. no cards back but bride/groom at one thanked us profusely for present. one we didnt attend also sent thanks, in person. one I dont recall but the last one I do. Father of the bride thanked us for present. not bride or groom. guess he probably knew the form. one of the prosecutors insisted that the reply's be returned and phoned to remind us!! its only April but so far so good this year. Nasty things those summonses
In fairness cuchulainn, re. the replies being returned, we're booking a wedding at the moment (oh the joy!) and it is really difficult when people don't reply to invites (or don't attend when they say they will). It costs money, remember, for each person who doesn't attend.

If we are talking about rudeness, btw, I think not attending when you have indicated that you will is the WORSE rudeness. If you don't want to go, then say so.
Sun: apologies for any unintended insult. The one we missed was one we were really looking forward to. Wont say too much but it was in Kilcolgan Castle in Galway. B+B booked and everything ready for the off for a weekend of it. and Cu junior comes home from summer job doubled up in pain. Short story. He had appendicitis. and on another forum I have already posted how the Louth Hospital didn't operate after 6 on Fridays and he was transferred to Drogheda who didnt operate until 4pm on the Saturday by which time there was 'free flow' to quote one of the staff. One was from a member of staff trying to be 'nice' to everybody but that was an easy one to decline. Dont actually understand why work colleagues feel they have to invite everybody anyway. but to each is own. Good Luck for your big day.:)
I have been invited to a few weddings lately ,none of which I was able to attend.
I sent a cheque for 100 Euro along with me declining invitation..
Are you expevted to send a present regardless of attending or not????
I am getting sick of handing out 100 Euros everytime a distant (meet once every 3 years) relative decided to get hitched......
On the whole thank you cards thing. We sent ours out about 6 months after the weedding. Made them ourselves adn each had a photo of us on our day with a hand written thank you to each person who snet us something. While my dad nearly had heart failure at how long it took us to send them I think the six month period was ok. At least we didn't forget and each got a personalised note rather than a generic one.
I only sent thank you card after my wedding to the person who did offer me a gift but couldn't be at the wedding. For the people attending the wedding, the thank you was done during the wedding verbally, no thank you card sent afterwards.