We are now charging for Letting Off Steam

Brendan Burgess

Following SPC's suggestion here, we are now charging for Letting Off Steam.

Anyone who donates €10, whether they are a Frequent Poster or not can post for the calendar year in which they donate.

It is no longer restricted to Frequent Posters.

The Posting Guidelines do not change. Donors will be moderated, or even banned, the same as non-donors.

If you have made a donation of over €10, since 1 September 2009, email me at [email protected] and I will change your status.
I think you should charge for all posts - you'd make a nice little nest egg.

Think this is a good idea Brendan. Might stop some of the complete nonsense we get in here.
What about a sort of a severance charge for people who get banned...

This is great. Would be surprised if public sector workers have access anymore. They probably can't afford the €10 after the 90% pay cuts they have suffered. We can say what we want.....
I honestly thought this was an April fool! Not that i have any objection, it's a good idea but the timing isn't the best!
April fools joke that probably made the 2500 needed? Good thinking the government should have tried something similar
This wasn't an April Fool's joke BTW - click the link in Brendan's opening post to read the other thread.

We were all blocked this morning until Brendan lifted the blockage.