waiting for jb signed on 16th march



hi i lost my job in march and signed on at my local sw office on the 16th march. i was told they would write to me but after a month of waiting i got in touch with citizens advice who told me to go to health board. that was grand as they paid me weekly. i then got a part-time job in june and the payment stopped. still waiting to hear back from sw. i applied for back to school allowance as i'm a single parent only to have that refused because i wasn't in reciept of social welfare payment. i went back to sw and waited 4 and a half hrs to see someone only to be told that my claim was approved at the end of may and at the moment they where processing claims from the beginning of may. this was in july around the 16th? i explained about being refused btsa and the person said the health board had the info about my claim as they were all linked and shouldn't have happened. at this stage i'm getting very frustrated and would welcome any advice on actually getting answers from the bodies that be!!! thank's
It seems getting a part time job has confused your claim. I think you've waited long enough to hear anything. 'It's the squeeky gate that gets the oil' So don't be affraid to go back to the SWO and ask again and again and again untill your satisfied.
thank's, think you're right there. Time to get squeeky! nothing in the post today(had hoped!!) so here goes another 4 and a half hrs of my life I'll never see again. thanks again