VRT on importing a dmaged repairable car from UK


Registered User
Hi. I have been trying to find info regarding the possibility of importing a damaged repairable car from Northern Ireland. Is there a reduction in VRT charges for damaged repairable (car is driving)? I do know if mileage is deemed above average there is a rebate allowed for VRT charges . Looking at a 08 Corolla Verso with 120K miles. Thanks a heap.
In the revenue vrt manual,there is a process where the car is graded good fair or poor.
The calculations on the vrt website are for cars in good condition.The only example in the vrt manual describes a car in fair condition,which merits a 5% vrt reduction.
Are you planning to do their repairs yourselves? Otherwise it might overall be cheaper to get the car fixed in the North and import in “good” condition.