Volvo S40 vs. Mazda6?


Registered User
hey all,

I'm looking to buy one of either a Volvo S40 or else a Mazda6, no trade in. Anyone got any ideas on which to go for? I'm looking at either a 05 Volvo or else a 05/06 (with the updated interior version) Mazda6...don't do much mileage so I guess petrol...

I like the new S40 - Nearly bought one a few months back.
The Mazda 6 is based on a Mondeo
The S40 is based on a Focus but is styled and equipped up a class.
Just bought a 143 diesel mazda6 sport.Have 1500 ish miles on it and it goes round corners as if on rails.Never drove the Volvo didn't like the dash.Mazda felt right from the beginning.Dealer gave me a demo for a day, that made up my mind.Bose sound system is superb.No complaints except that the trip computer measures fuel in litres/100 mile...strange but well documented in forums.Suggest you get both cars for a day. I tried to get a demo for day in other makes but most of the dealers refused, so I walked away and told them so. Spending £19k on a 5-15 min test drive was not on, so they lost the sale. As said before, the Mazda dealer gave me a demo for a day and that made up my mind.
The Mazda is a much better car. The Volvo is a focus with a face lift, the Mazda is based on a Mondeo but much better than it's drab parent. The build quality and the drive on the Mazda6 is also very good.
Go for the Mazda.
have driven both and was impressed by each of them, both handle and ride well. I'm inclined to veer towards the Mazda, the only thing is, there is a new Mondeo out next year which inevitably means that a new Mazda can't be far behind (which isn't going to help its depreciation)