Volunteer wanted to review Case Study format

Brendan Burgess


I have revised the following

Standard Format for unsustainable mortgage Case Studies

The major revision is to ask for family information to calculate the Reasonable Living Expenses

I have clarified the loan information as well. People were interpreting this differently.

I would welcome any suggestions on improving it further. I will also amend it in the light of the first few new Case Studies filled in.

It has to strike a balance between comprehensive and not putting people off. For example, I had considered asking people to calculate their Reasonable Living Expenses, but I think that would put them off.

Ideally, I would love to get to a situation where people do the following calculation for themselves, but I think it would be a bit optimistic

Net income| €3,200
Reasonable Living expenses| €1,400
Available for creditors| €1,800
Mortgage payment| €2,300
Shortfall| €500