USD new account


Registered User
I need to open a USD account to hold some USD in for occasional transfer to a foreign USD investment and return of same. Probably looking at a couple of transactions a year.The account is mainly to facilitate this.
I have been checking same with BOI, PTSB and AIB, but the minimum account is to large for what I want to let in the account and account fees are pretty hefty. Does anyone know if there are there less expensive USD accounts that can be held in Ireland?
The reason I want to open a USD account is that the exchange rates between what the banks offer and wire agencies is a little to much in my opinion. Is there any room for negotiation with banks on these rates?
I hope the above makes sense. Thanks.
PTSB advertise a USD account on their website showing a minimum required amount of $1.

I cannot see on the website what fees may be associated with this account.
A few banks that offer USD accounts:
Ulster Bank

Ring all of the above, or at least the ones you have not phoned, and get the best rate and zero fees. Investec and PTSB have USD rates on their website.

Investec or PTSB might be your best option.

If you are really stuck, TD Ameritrade offer USD accounts based in the USA for non residents with zero fees. There is far less hassle going with a local option.