Upgrading PC

No you don't need to install anything.

You "BIOS" should pick up the changes to the memory. Watch out for a prompt on first start up.

Disconnect power cable to PC!!
Earth yourself - tough a radiator or large metal object before installing. Touch the metal case of the PC before removing the ram from its case. This will equalise the static between you and PC.

Ram is held in with two plastic clips at each end of the stick. some are placed straight up in the motherboard other are at an angle. Newer ones (last 10 years) seem to be upright. Push on the clips at each end of the ram to remove old stick.

when inserting the new stick make sure the clips are open and push it in evenly until the two clips at the end start to close evenly then pop it in the last bit
have a check on youtube, crucial or your PC manufacturers site. There should be detailed instructions & possibly videos on how to do this.
Also, download something like memtest and burn it to a cd, so you can test the memory on the machine after you install it.