Updating my 7 year old email account


Registered User
My existing email address is 7 years old now (with yahoo) and I'm just wondering if it's time to update. I will be receiving a lot of large emails and i wonder is gmail or ymail the next step?
I love gmail, although I've kept my Hotmail address too, have had it for about 12 years!
I'd recommend gmail too - no storage limit and the majority of the spam I receive goes straight into the spam folder.
I'd highly recommend gmail too, I was introduced to it by my boss and have since organised an email account there for my current employment.

You might choose to use gmail for all your personal correspondence and keep the yahoo one for registering with websites and the like, that way you can reduce (or even eliminate entirely) the junk mail you get on your main account.
You used to have to get invited to gmail, is that the same now or am I living in the past!?

Good luck with it seriams, its one of the best imo
I have 3 accounts. A yahoo one for booking flight and hotels. A gmail one for ordering online and another gmail for personal stuff.
Re: 7 year old email account

Just discovered the other day that an ireland.com email address are now free to register and I found it easy to find my name @ireland.com because as it was previously a premium service you didn't get people registering email addresses just for the fun of it. There's something patriotic about having an ireland.com email address and not having to put 3 digits after your name as with the more common sites. Of course if you read the Irish Times online as I do, I like to catch up with all the doom and gloom in the morning over a coffee its convenient to check ur emails at the same time. P.S. I don't work for the Irish Times
What if you name is Mary or John Murphy?

Both my yahoo and gmail are my proper name no digits, but I have an 'unusual' name.

Smashbox what I meant by personal was friends I don't see very often and I write proper emails as opposed to the rubbish I get from people I see all the times. I have replied to a few saying I don't want any more pictures of flowers.

If I was to buy the personal stuff you were winking about I'd use my online shopping email account.