Ulster bank 1,000 Euros for switcing


Registered User
I started the switching proccess with Ulster Bank over 3 and a half months ago and my broker warned me they would take a long time. They were offering 1,000 Euros for switching my RIP on a rate of .75% above ECB and would pay the legal fees. The deadline for this 1,000 Euros is the 31st August i.e. 2 days from now and I have still not switched. My broker told me that they have made a few mistakes with myself and many of his other clients that have caused the delays. It appears to me that Ulster bank are deliberately delaying the process so as not to pay out the 1,000 Euros. I have been loan approved for 6 weeks now and there is no reason why this switch has not completed. I will be furious if they with hold this money from me due to their mistakes which pushes the completion into September.
I switched mortagages and the process was only comlete weeks after the latest rise. I still got the lower rate.

i doubt you will have a problem is an apply by date and not process complete by date I would say.
I switched mortagages and the process was only comlete weeks after the latest rise. I still got the lower rate.

i doubt you will have a problem is an apply by date and not process complete by date I would say.

Unfortunately its not an apply by date its a "draw down of money date". My broker had this confirmed.
Can you get your mortgage broker to confirm to you precisely what the cause of the delays are / were?

Ulster Bank are extremely inefficient at the moment - it would be useful if we could identify the problem with the mortgage loan offer being issued?
Can you get your mortgage broker to confirm to you precisely what the cause of the delays are / were?

Ulster Bank are extremely inefficient at the moment - it would be useful if we could identify the problem with the mortgage loan offer being issued?

I will ask my broker.

If anyone else out there is switching or has switched to the Ulster Bank and is concerned that they also may not receive this 1,000 Euros switching incentive money, then maybe we could all club together here and make sure we all receive that which is owed to us.
If the delays were caused by Ulster Bank and not your broker, I presume your broker will be able to point this out to Ulster Bank if any quibble arises over the payment of the €1,000.

Or maybe Ulster Bank won't quibble at all, if they are aware they have a problem.
I sent you a PM landlord based on this post: http://www.askaboutmoney.com/showthread.php?t=62552.

I've been trying to move for over 3 months now and it's been dreadful.

I sent a mail to the mortgage consultant in the branch yesteday detailing everything that happend since I first met with them and asked for confirmation that I'd still get the €1K as the delays were caused by them.
I sent you a PM landlord based on this post: http://www.askaboutmoney.com/showthread.php?t=62552.

I've been trying to move for over 3 months now and it's been dreadful.

I sent a mail to the mortgage consultant in the branch yesteday detailing everything that happend since I first met with them and asked for confirmation that I'd still get the €1K as the delays were caused by them.

I still have not completed the switch and also tried to get confirmation about the 1,000 Euros from my broker. He spoke to the Ulster Bank rep on speaker phone so I could hear the conversation and I personally asked for this confirmation. She said she would consult her manager and get back to the broker later that afternoon (this was a few days ago). She never got back to my broker on the subject. I am convinced they are deliberately delaying now so as not to pay the money. I hope we can all club together if we dont get this incentive and do whatever it takes to get this money.
Firstly I genuinely believe there is nothing dishonest in what UB are doing. However they are extremly incompetent. This is down to a mixture of not enough staff/low calibre staff, very very bad processes and a system change to RBS platforms last year which virtually everyone in UB agrees was a step backwards in terms of what they had. However UB are managed out of Edinburgh these days, no one listens to the locals

However switching should not take the time you said it is and I'd be very disappointed in my broker if he was not chasing them before it got to this stage.
Firstly I genuinely believe there is nothing dishonest in what UB are doing. However they are extremly incompetent. This is down to a mixture of not enough staff/low calibre staff, very very bad processes and a system change to RBS platforms last year which virtually everyone in UB agrees was a step backwards in terms of what they had. However UB are managed out of Edinburgh these days, no one listens to the locals

However switching should not take the time you said it is and I'd be very disappointed in my broker if he was not chasing them before it got to this stage.

Fair enough....I Will give them the benefit of the doubt, but do hope I get that money. My broker is very competent as I have used him for many things before and he is on to their rep almost every day. He wants his commission aswell !!
To say Ulster Banks service is apalling is the greatest understatement of the 21st century.. I've lost numerous clients due to them. For one, I waited one month for loan offer. Every condition was satisfied, so nothing was holding up the offer. Then when i finally got the loan offer. The rate, loan amount and term were all wrong. Also we applied for a switcher, but the loan offer stated "remortgage" - which would mean no 1000Euro or legals fees cover. I spent the following two weeks ringing Ulster Bank trying to get an amended offer sent out but 95% of the time the phones rang out and even when you get through to someone, they have not a clue what you are talking about. I eventually got the second offer 2 months later, by which time their tracker rate had jumped and the clients repayments increased.

Until such time as Ulster Bank wake up and smell what they're shovelling, I'm not giving them business. It's a bad reflection on brokers and both us and clients are suffering.
Yes, as part of my revaluation I got a top-up mortgage for home improvements with Ulster Bank. The broker I am using warned me that it would take 8 weeks to clear. And I'm just at the stage of cheque release now. There were a few issues on Ulster Banks end - offer issue at lower term than original loan so it had to reissued due to mortgage protection coverage etc. Because I'm not in a rush for the cheque and knew the lead time it hasn't been an issue yet.

Definitely, get your broker to approach UB or contact them directly (at the branch you hold your account) and discuss the situation. They should be able to make allowances for their delays.

Best of luck.
Took me 4 whole months to switch to UB and just got old mortgage cleared this week. Most painful banking experience of my life. Had I not pushed everything all the time, I'd still be waiting for the cheque. This meant calling broker/bank every day for past month.
I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one to have problems with Ulster bank asI have found them possibly the worst customer relationship I have ever had the misfortune to experience.

I recently received a letter from Credit union stating that my mandate for a standing order was withdrawn by my bank and could I call in to pay off the remainder of my loan. I found this strange as my wages had gone in and there were definitely enough funds available. I tried to check my balance on-line but the website told me there was a problem with my account and call a helpline number. I checked at my ATM and my balance was very healthy. finding this unusual but not unduly concerned, I called the helpline but they hadn't any idea what the problem was and told me to call my branch. Did this three days in a row, got through to a support person who told me she didn't know what was wrong with my account but a Rep would call me. I never received a call. In the meantime the sale proceeds from my house were lodged in the same account so now there was nearly €150000 in a/c but at the same time I was receiving letters from ESB and O2 saying they were unable to draw down Direct Debits for less than €100. Called into the nearest branch, they made some calls and apparently my a/c had been sent to Debt Recoveries as I had gone into my overdraft facility (the one they gave me!) by €50 for four days in January. This had happened because I had a previous relationship with Debt Recoveries, again caused by an error on their part for which I received and accepted an apology( over three years ago, a small car loan).

Everyone I spoke with talked about and hid behind what they called "the new system". At no stage did I receive a letter from the bank explaining what had happened and was able to take money from atm without any problem at all times.

When asked how could this be resolved as I was considering taking my business elsewhere, I was told I would have to open up a new account with Ulster bank as my account was frozen - being frozen meant no direct debits or standing orders could be taken out, but they are happy to accept any money going in. I found this unacceptable so they put me through to my branch and the "manager" asked me to call out to my branch as he would like to sort this out personally.

So I took a half day off from work, called out to my branch where the young manager apologised, told me a button on my a/c had been pressed by accident (wtf???) and he was reaaly really sorry but the only way to resolve this was to open up a new account as that's all the "new system" allowed. He then took out all the paper work and started to treat me as a brand new member, as if he had no details on my whatsoever! He asked me if I had a mortgage, which I told him had been recently paid off, as you can see from the information you have on your screen. The next question? What's the current value of the property??!! Perhaps you should ask the current owner of the property. It was farcical, even he seemed embarassed.

I walked out without signing anything as he said he'd have to get back to me about some of my questions. he hasn't. Since then I have received a new atm card (but no pin), ufirst membership, a cheque book, all stuff I never requested. The only thing I requested was a letter / guarantee that my credit history will not be effected and the bank would take responsibility for any blots on it. This has yet to arrive.

I'm sure Ulster Bank have some excellent employees and many people have had great experiences with them. I however have lost complete faith and trust in them and am in the process of changing to another bank.

I have just been in to the local solicitor that is used through First American and they have got the loan offer wrong for a third time. I should have had it faxed to me, but I was assured that it was correct this time. Do they not realise that every time they make a mistake like this they are wasting not only my time, but there time too. The people they have producing these loan offers could have their work halved if they checked that the offer given was what the customer wanted.
If i were to hazard a guess (i.e. i heard this through the grapevine) at why they seem not to be investing money in fixing this problem, it seems that the cost of them borrowing money is so expensive that it really isn't worth their while putting money back into that department. The margins between the rates at which Ulster are borrowing and then lending that money is so small at the moment. Ridiculous still, but that's their logic.
Bottom line is - don't settle for more than 0.5% + ECB if you are on a Tracker rate with Ulster Bank. PM if you have queries