Two transfers into one "buy out" bond?



Two transfers into one "buy out" bond?

Quick question...

I've paid contribs to two defined contribution occupational pension schemes over the years (I'm no longer a member of either). Can I take transfer values from both schemes and put them into a single "buy out" bond, or do I need a separate bond for each transfer?

Buy Out Bond

Two into one will go.
Yes you can combine the two Transfer Values into one Bond.
TV to two PRBS

I think there may be timing issues - well there was in the past. As I understood it the two TVs have to paid into the PRB at the same time, as once they are established no further payments can be made into PRBs.
Two Transfers

I think you'll need two. Each proposal will ask for details such as start date and end date of employment. It can only relate to one period of empoyment. Also your tax free cash from the bond will be based on service from each employment, not from a combination of service from different employments...therfore two needed.