TRS- Mortgage Tax Relief


Registered User

Apologies if a similar Q has been asked recently.
I am looking into getting a mortgage and investigating TRS-Mortgage Tax Relief.

I have noticed that all the forms etc either have 'single' or 'married'. Since 2008 single applicants can get €10K in tax relied while 'married' applicants can get €20K.

If I buy with my girlfriend on a joint mortgage. Can we both apply for tax relief or can only one 'single' applicant apply? Ie we are not married so are we excluded from the €20K relief? Both of us are first time buyers.

the two of you together can get the 20k relief -
it amounts to a max of about €300+ per month off your mortgage as it is taken at the 20% tax rate (20% of 20k = 4k)

make sure that your broker/bank gets the details right.
ive heard of ppl having to do a lot of form filling to get their money back because somebody made a typo -
this website is really useful