transfering to a job down the country - what type of package would be offered..


Registered User
Hi Guys,
Mr Bear has an oppertunity to transfer to another position within the company he works for. The position is down the country and he would have to relocate.

Career wise the move would be an excellent one as there would be better promotion prospects and greater exposure to customers.

The role is the same level that he is currently at.. So really to make this a viable move for him he would have to negotiate a pay rise.. What or how is the best way to approach this..

Also just to note he was asked to apply for the position...
Not sure why he would need a pay rise...same company, better prospects...and lower cost of living. So why should he not expect to be asked to take a pay cut, especially in the current cost/employment environment?
Totall agree about the pay rise....companies usually have a procedure for re-imbursing relocation costs in the event that they are enforcing the move....might be worth checking with HR.
If company are moving Mr Bear then you might expect help with expenses but if you are moving for yourselves, then the company might not be too willing to help out. Our company wouldn't give assistance unless it was to benefit the company, not to benefit the person.