Today FM news is annoying me


Registered User
I normally listen to Today FM, in particular Ian Dempsey and Anton Savage in the morning. However one thing that annoys me is the laziness and inaccuracy of their news reports.

For example, this morning, on the 10am news the headline story was about Dublin Bus strikes and the newsreader said that "management had refused pay rises". This is factually incorrect as management have put an offer on the table which the unions have rejected.

The other thing that annoys me is the amount of utterly pointless surveys that they quote, usually from an English newspaper or website as fillers. They seem just determined to race to the bottom
I normally listen to Today FM, in particular Ian Dempsey and Anton Savage in the morning. However one thing that annoys me is the laziness and inaccuracy of their news reports.

For example, this morning, on the 10am news the headline story was about Dublin Bus strikes and the newsreader said that "management had refused pay rises". This is factually incorrect as management have put an offer on the table which the unions have rejected.

The other thing that annoys me is the amount of utterly pointless surveys that they quote, usually from an English newspaper or website as fillers. They seem just determined to race to the bottom

The today FM report is factually correct - Dublin Bus has not put an offer on the table .
The today FM report is factually correct - Dublin Bus has not put an offer on the table .

There is a Labour Court recommendation which the unions have rejected. Therefore there is an offer on the table. So whilst the offer may have come via the Labour court, to say "Management have refused rises" is factually incorrect.
Dublin Bus have made no offer to the Unions - that is incontrovertible , the Labour Court have issued a non binding recommendation which was rejected by Union members.
Indeed I have seen nothing in the media to suggest that Dublin Bus accepted the LC recommendation .
So therefore Today FM were factually correct as the offer/recommendation was tabled by the LC & not Dublin Bus
Dublin Bus have made no offer to the Unions - that is incontrovertible , the Labour Court have issued a non binding recommendation which was rejected by Union members.
Indeed I have seen nothing in the media to suggest that Dublin Bus accepted the LC recommendation .
So therefore Today FM were factually correct as the offer/recommendation was tabled by the LC & not Dublin Bus
The report didn't say Dublin Bus did not offer pay rises to their members. It said that "management had refused pay rises". Therefore thedaddyman is correct in that Dublin Bus have not rejected the Labour Courts proposals ergo they have not refused pay rises. Open both eyes Deiseblue as a one-eyed view of the world 'aint pretty.