Things that annoy you


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What really annoy's me is if the wife has gone to the shops and I really need something ,so I ring her mobile but I hear it ringing somewhere in the house.annoying,
also parents who do not ensure that their children wear a seat belt while in the car and who insist on smoking while driving with their children in the car.
People who drive so close behind you that you can see the coffee stains on their teeth, then they honk at you if you have to brake suddenly.

Oh yeah, and the Nokia ringtone.....arrgggghhh
People who drive so close behind you that you can see the coffee stains on their teeth, then they honk at you if you have to brake suddenly.

Or people who refuse to move out of the 'overtaking lane' while travelling at sub-motorway speeds and think it is perfectly acceptable and safe to brake suddenly as a 'warning' to the car trying to get past maybe?
and add to that those who overtake you and then slow down to below the speed you were doing in the first place.

and........the shop assistant who says " are ya alri' " if i wasn't alright I'd be in the doctors not shopping !
how about our elected leaders getting dig outs from friends and seeing nothing wrong with it -and the people who vote for them.

All that is the egotistical, cynical and downright dangerous behaviour of the majority of the drivers in Ireland.

Some overtaking you is not personal, if someone comes up behind you, you are supposed to move over, again it's not personal they just want (and have the right) to travel that bit faster than you.

There are too many road warriors on the road trying to 'control' other peoples speed! If everyone focused out of the front window more instead of the back then there might be less crashes!

Oh yeah, the lady who makes my sandwiches at for gods sake, you should enjoy your place behind the counter, you bring happiness to the masses :)
What really annoy's me is if the wife has gone to the shops and I really need something ,so I ring her mobile but I hear it ringing somewhere in the house.annoying,

Getting to the shop and someone calling to ask me to get something. (only cos it happens every flipping time I go out)

Unrestrained kids bouncing around in moving cars..specially when the front seat occupants are wearing a belt...probably to avoid a fine.

People who say "it's alright" when I've just told my kids they can't have/do something.
Able bodied people parking in disabled spaces and then saying 'but sure I was only gone for a minute' when you challenge them...
The ubiquitous grocer's apostrophe really really annoys me. Oh yes, and old people who stand still when they get off an escalator.
...people who stand still when they get off an escalator.

My better half always laughs at me when I start fuming at people who lose the power in their legs whenever they step on to travelators... the ones that particularly drive me bonkers are the one down to Tesco in Jervis SC, the one in Blanchardstown SC and, of course, the one in Pier A of Dublin Airport!!
Able bodied people parking in disabled spaces and then saying 'but sure I was only gone for a minute' when you challenge them...

i thought i was the only one who did that.. ha everytime i see people parking in disable parking i always challenge them, EVERY TIME!!! My OH & my daughter walk away from me laughing saying "ya shes off again"... it infuriates me beyond belief. Ive successfully moved people out of the space but usually i state my case and walk away from them letting them think about it. Dont even get me started how the non-nationals treat me when i pipe up.:mad: :mad: :mad: )))
i thought i was the only one who did that.. ha everytime i see people parking in disable parking i always challenge them, EVERY TIME!!! My OH & my daughter walk away from me laughing saying "ya shes off again"... it infuriates me beyond belief. Ive successfully moved people out of the space but usually i state my case and walk away from them letting them think about it. Dont even get me started how the non-nationals treat me when i pipe up.:mad: :mad: :mad: )))

I thought I was the only one who noticed that a lot of the lits/lats etc park in handicapped parking spaces. confess I have never confronted them. But I also havn't seen any of those security staff who work in shopping centres/ supermarkets tackle them either. and the handicapped spaces are usually right beside where they patrol.
i've often wanted to confront litter bugs that drives me mad but I'm always to afraid, what if the person you confront is some looper/drug/arms dealer and bashes or shoots you!
What really annoys me is people on public transport who :
- sprawl out on their seat, taking up half of yours and leaving you squashed on half a seat
- who listen to mp3 players really loudly on tinny earphones
- who play all the ring tones on their phone, at top volume
- who sniff/fidgit/chomp chewing gum constantly
- who wont move their bag off the adjacent seat so that someone else can sit down
- who put their feet on the seat
- who dont give up their seat to someone old/pregnant/injured
I think that covers nearly everyone on my train to work!

Another thing that drives me mad is air-con on too high - you're warm enough outside, and then enter a train/shop/restaurant and you're freezing.

I'm sure there are millions more things.
Oh yes, one other is when restaurants call the token vegetarian dish on the menu the "vegetarian option", when in fact its the "vegetarian obligatory" if you are a vegetarian
1) L-plates on backwards
2) the word 'yummy'
3) Advert for oust with kid in the toilet saying 'it's all gone it's all gone'
4) rude people especially rude kids
5) older women drivers who are driving big cars etc and who have no idea how to reverse or park so just dump it anywhere!
6) Big brother and all connected to it
7) people who stand beside the grapes eating them in the supermarket and then walking away (have witnessed this twice in the past week)
8) People who don't wipe down equipment in the gym after they've used it
9) Little kids who go on like adults - usually the parents fault!