The R Word

the unions have no understanding of economics and inflation.
Of course they do, however their job is to ignore any issues and get the best deal for their members, denying everything and anything. The problem is that the government will just bend over for them.
With respect, even if those people who are paying thier staff more them themselves is a fact, this is usually short term and in the long run if the business is sucessful then they get the rewards.
This is true but the owner takes the risk (and their house could be the thing that they risk). The other thing to remember is that even if they don't loose everything there is a good chance that their business will not pan out as planned and they struggle for years to make it work.

And tell the rest of the speel to the workers in Hibernian who lost their jobs. Replace miner with call centre worker. Your nieve idealism of the worker and owner striving towards one mutually benifical economic nirvana is pretty cosy until thier is a downturn and then no amount of worker efficency will save them from the chop.
I do not think that "worker and owner striving towards one mutually beneficial economic nirvana" but skilled people have to be looked after in an SME and this means that they are often in a strong position to negotiate their pay and conditions. You must also remember that if a small business goes under the owner is usually hit hardest.
Back OT.

(I'll start with a quick explanation of how "Google AdWords" work.)

A. Company creates a "Google AdWord" advert and agrees to pay a fee, e.g. 50 cents, every time someone clicks on the advert. The important bit here is the company chooses what fee he should pay. The idea is he competes with other companies with similar adverts; whoever is willing to pay the highest fee gets their advert to display in a premium position.
B. Website decides to display Google adverts on his website. This means the adverts from the company above will appear on his website. He gets a cut of the 50 cent every time someone clicks on the advert.

Now to the story...

My friend has noticed that companies (over the past month) have reduced the amount they're willing to pay per click. This means companies are watching the purse strings, with the knock on effect that my friend now has less income.
i was at a seminar in dell recenltly and got a tour of the factory. not even half the lines were going!!! the sales people were saying they were v quiet
Again Jimbon if the public sector was streamlined down to an inch of our lives this country would still be caught by the short and curlies economiclly. Its external economic factors im afraid.

Gradual rise in interest rates
Credit crunch
India and China
etc etc etc

All very true, and what this thread should be about, but just because other factors have more of an effect on the economy it doesn’t mean the public sector should not be as streamlined and efficient as possible.
I do not think that "worker and owner striving towards one mutually beneficial economic nirvana" but skilled people have to be looked after in an SME and this means that they are often in a strong position to negotiate their pay and conditions. You must also remember that if a small business goes under the owner is usually hit hardest.

What about the unskilled average joe. What happens to him????
All very true, and what this thread should be about, but just because other factors have more of an effect on the economy it doesn’t mean the public sector should not be as streamlined and efficient as possible.

Aggreed. Can some one tell that to jimbob:)
Last round of benchmarking what was in it for the public sector. Pensions were taken into account so stop whinging about that one.

What... Pensions were added and given a value of only 15% of salary, but the true value of the civil service index linked pension is almost 30%.
television - ok times are slow economically now. why cant the public sector streamline like other businesses and make people redundant? they can be re hired when the economy turns up again, this is the way the world works. if the country is in real trouble then the non nationals will leave and we wont need all the admin staff at all in the public sector so there is no reason why they cant be fired!!
With respect, even if those people who are paying thier staff more them themselves is a fact, this is usually short term and in the long run if the business is sucessful then they get the rewards.

Not true. Only last week I was talking to the owner of a very well known and long running Dublin company. They closed down last year for that very reason. It was just not worth their time and effort running it any more.
Not true. Only last week I was talking to the owner of a very well known and long running Dublin company. They closed down last year for that very reason. It was just not worth their time and effort running it any more.

I am talking about a general economic principal here. There is exceptions of course.
television - ok times are slow economically now. why cant the public sector streamline like other businesses and make people redundant? they can be re hired when the economy turns up again, this is the way the world works. if the country is in real trouble then the non nationals will leave and we wont need all the admin staff at all in the public sector so there is no reason why they cant be fired!!

This can be done through volentary redundencies. A sizable amount of the public sector are part time so I suggest this is going to happen.
I find it depressing beyond words that this thread is being propelled along by someone making arguments that favour their own narrow sectional interests. The economy is going down the tubes, and yet it's still the Celtic Tiger mentality that wins out - I'm alright jack, never mind the wider issues, never mind the collective good.

Television, in fairness to you I recognise that other posters have facilitated your desire to talk about your own particular interests. Still, it's depressing that the last 5 pages have been about the PS when that is just 1 element in the current meltdown.
well if they make the numbers through voluntary redundancies then thats great.
Television, in fairness to you I recognise that other posters have facilitated your desire to talk about your own particular interests. Still, it's depressing that the last 5 pages have been about the PS when that is just 1 element in the current meltdown.

I think that is a very unfair comment. I have repeatedly said that this recession is about factors other than the public service ineffeciency. I have highlighted this throughout. I am not the one blaming the public service and constantly harping back to it as the main cause of the economic problems.

In relation to the public service I have advocated reform. I have even said I am willing to take a pay freeze if it made a difference to the economic problems we face. I recognise the fact that further pay increases accross the board will fuel inflation and this helps no one, but his has to be balances with the needs of low paid public sector workers.
This can be done through volentary redundencies. A sizable amount of the public sector are part time so I suggest this is going to happen.

Trouble is, public or private- voluntary redundancies are a blunt instrument. In general you tend to loose the best, because they are the ones who are in demand and can move with ease. The people with the least drive won't move. Of course people will stay because they like the job too. But a blunt instrument it is.
Trouble is, public or private- voluntary redundancies are a blunt instrument. In general you tend to loose the best, because they are the ones who are in demand and can move with ease. The people with the least drive won't move. Of course people will stay because they like the job too. But a blunt instrument it is.

Good point.
I think that is a very unfair comment. I have repeatedly said that this recession is about factors other than the public service ineffeciency. I have highlighted this throughout. I am not the one blaming the public service and constantly harping back to it as the main cause of the economic problems.

Yes, you have TV, but only to bolster your own position: lay off the PS, it's not all our fault. That line, while absolutely true, is self-serving.

But TV, you are right, it is somewhat graceless of me to single you out. I think other posters who have laid into the PS are equally culpable in narrowing the issue so much.

Sorry, just kinda depressed at the state of debate in this country at the moment.