Tesco Clubcard Visa - Change in Terms as of 1.1.11


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Tesco is changing the T&C as of 1st January 20111 as they have deceided to apply UK goverment agreements also to Irish Customers.
Area of Change:

How we use your monthly payment


We will now use your monthly payments to firstly pay any goverment tax due, and than to pay of your most expensive transation first.
If you make a payment to your account and it's not enough to clear the total balance in full on the date the payment is applied to your account, we'll apply your repayments to the different parts of your balance which are charged at the higher interest rates before counting down to those which are charged at lower interest rates.
However, if there is any goverment tax due in that month, we will use your payment to pay this first.

Impact for you:

It's great news. This will save you money over the long-term.
Great for those who are on a balance transfer deal because now you first pay back your new spendings before the lower balance transfer deal.
They're only doing this as all UK card issuers are being made to make that change. Obviously it wouldn't make financial sense for Tesco to have two separate charging schemes (with the number of cardholders they have) as they run the Irish cards off the same back end as the UK