Taxation of voluntary bodies


Frequent Poser
I'm involved with a voluntary unincorporated organisation and am concerned about our tax compliance position.

By retaining a small amount of income each year we have built up a reserve / sink-fund to cover unanticipated expenses and / or operating costs during lean years. We view ourselves as non-profit. However projected reserves at this year-end are potentially a low five figure sum.

Could we have a tax liability here? If so what tax rates would apply? How do other organisations, e.g. sports clubs handle this?

We are planning to get professional advice on this but I wanted to get some thoughts. We have a tax clearance certificate as this was required to avail of certain government grants, so we are on the Revenue's radar.

The Revenue will have no interest in you unless you are actually trading.

Presumably most of your money is on deposit? If so, then the DIRT liability will account for any tax you might owe.

If you can register as a charity for tax purposes, then you can be completely exempt from taxes on investment income. Check out CHY 1 from Revenue.
