Tax Spending not Work

Re: tax spending

Househunter1, out of interest can you tell me exactly how Payroll Tax operates in the USA?

Rates, allowances, ceilings, etc.

PRSI here is 4% up to income of 40,240, with a 127 weekely allowance free of PRSI.

It facinates me how employees are totally oblivious as to the amount of PRSI that their employers are paying for them.

How does 10.75% compare to the US?
tax spending

Do You need a gun to protect Your tax savings in the US? I'm asking because 2 days ago I read this article in the Washington Post about a small village (300) that can not afford a sheriff no more and the council decided that every household must have a gun and ammunition ready, exempt for handicapped people .Is this gun than again deduct able from taxes?
Re: tax spending

back to the original point. i've heard economists love consumption taxes over income taxes as it encourages people to work, invest and save.