Switching to save money!


Registered User
We are a family of 2 adults and 2 children (age 7&9) and are currently with Irish life Net More 500 (adults) and Irish Life Nurture (kids).

We never reach an excess to claim day to day expenses (thankfully) and have no underlying conditions.

We would like access to private hospitals (especially for day case procedures), not too bothered on level of room etc.
From looking at SnowyB’s (very generous!) advice to others I’m thinking of a switch to Laya Precision connect 600 for adults and either the same for the kids or VHI start plan (kids only).
Just wondering opinions/ am I missing anything? Thanks so much for any thoughts!
Hi Cyprus,

Precision 600 Connect plan has a selected list of private hospitals covered, not all private hospitals are covered.
Its important to check this list to ensure you are happy with the ones covered on this plan.

An alternative option with VHI is One Plan 500 @ price 715pa; all public and private hospitals covered. Excess 500 x 2 max per year for
all admissions. Excess 150 per day case procedure. There is no excess to pay in any public hospital.

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For the children, if you choose the Laya plan, there is a special offer for kids whereby you pay for the 1st child and the rest go free.
1. Laya Essential Health 300; price 234pa(pay for 1st child and the rest are free) all public, private and Beacon hospital covered, private
hospital excess 300 x 2 max per year for all admissions. An adult must be on any Laya plan to avail of this offer.

2. VHI Start Plan; price 103pa; selected list of public hospitals covered on this plan. Make sure you are happy with the hospitals covered on this

3. One Plan Starter; price 115per child; all public hospitals covered.

[broken link removed]

Regards, Snowyb