Switching Bin Provider - Cancelation Charge


Registered User
I have been a customer of Thornton's for a few years, paying €18.99 per month for three bins.

Over Xmas, we got an email that they were increasing the monthly fee to €21.99 per month from January.

I never agreed to this and saw that Greyhound have an €18.50 per month package with 6 months at €12.50 as an introductory offer so I "switched" to Greyhound. Greyhound were supposed to submit a "Take back my bins" request to Thorntons, which they claim to have not received.

Regardless, I contacted Thornton's myself to tell them I was not willing to continue at the new price and that I had switched providers.

They are now trying to charge me €15 per bin of a cancelation charge, which I am not willing to pay.

Where do I stand, seeing as the only reason I moved was as they increased the prices vs what I oringally signed up to. They have now said they will match any other offer I have received (without asking what it was).

Am I obliged to pay the €45 for collection of the bins even though they changed the terms and conditions?

Thank you
Am I obliged to pay the €45 for collection of the bins even though they changed the terms and conditions?
The price changed, but not necessarily the terms and conditions. What terms did you sign up to say? Their current terms include details of this charge and the right to increase prices.

Also note under the terms only Thortons or the contracted party can cancel the contract. I could be wrong but I don't recall this area having similar switching options like are in place for energy contracts.
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