supplier selling to competitor in stg v eur


Registered User
Not sure whether this is for business thread or legal thread -

I have a UK supplier who insists I purchase from them in Euro from their published Euro price list.

However they sell to 2 large competitors (and several smaller competitors) from their sterling price list.

Products are identical. Myself and the competitors are fully 100% Irish companies with no UK connection but they continue to permit them to purchase in stg.

The price advantage is approx. 12%-15% and up to 30% in some cases

Is there any EU unfair practices legislation around not providing same options to all clients?
Go to another supplier.

There is no requirement on a business to charge everyone the same price.

They are the only option as they are a brand. Of course they can charge different prices via discounts and rebates but thought there was something about unfair practices and offering same opportunity to similar clients in the same market.

Probably mistaken.

Just hate this "paddy tax" that some UK suppliers charge irish business.
Go to another supplier.

There is no requirement on a business to charge everyone the same price.


Well there are in fact rules preventing vendors from attempting to segregate the single market on price alone. But vendors are allowed to charge additional amounts to cover additional administration and shipping costs. It depends on how the price lists are presented. All a bit academic especially since the UK has exited the EU.
There are regulations preventing companies not supplying a retailer if there are no proper reasons though you can get around them.

So I was looking at this type of angle. The company is an EU company, just based in the UK. Just annoying that local competitors can buy in sterling and they won't allow me to do so leaving me at an unfair disadvantage.
Not sure whether this is for business thread or legal thread -

I have a UK supplier who insists I purchase from them in Euro from their published Euro price list.

However they sell to 2 large competitors (and several smaller competitors) from their sterling price list.

Products are identical. Myself and the competitors are fully 100% Irish companies with no UK connection but they continue to permit them to purchase in stg.

The price advantage is approx. 12%-15% and up to 30% in some cases

Is there any EU unfair practices legislation around not providing same options to all clients?
Do your competitors have supplier agreements with the supplier?
Do your competitors have supplier agreements with the supplier?
Everyone is under the same terms and conditions, but no currency is mentioned.

They were to move all irish accounts to Euro but seems they didn't act on it as those on stg accounts kicked off.

It might be easier to negotiate a better rebate and hope a brexit agreement strengthens stg.