summer jobs for students


Registered User
Any good sources to get a few unmotivated students of their you-know-whats to search for summer jobs?
Just don't give them any pocket money/make it clear that you will be buying nothing other than minimum essentials for them
Try for part-time/student friendly jobs.

The civil service hire for the summer (good pay, for a summer job) but they might have done that by now.

Working at the races (bartending/tote/paddy power) is good pay and they wouldn't have to work a five day week.

Promotions work is pretty flexible too.

And how doing work as an movie/tv extra?
By students do you mean college or school?

I second the suggestion of and from memory some (if not most) of the other job websites offer filters specifically for students/summer jobs.

There are always the old faithfuls... local hotels (porter, kitchen staff, barstaff), bars, shops, supermarkets, selling strawberries on the side of the road, promotion work, etc.

The biggest problem you'll have is that if they're unmotivated to find a job, they'll be unmotivated to do a job.
Heey, thats not true....Im a student, Im 15 years old and I am dying to get a job, I would mind cleaning something if I would get paid for it... But there are like no jobs and if I find something they wont take me... :( Help...