Sub-standard Irish Journalism is bugging me


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There I was driving home last night listening to the news when a reporter said that the tax take in Ireland was up and that the state had taken in €18bn in July. Actually it was €18bn for the first 7 months of the year but why worry about being accurate?.

It reminded me of guy on RTE who spoke of Alex Ferguson's life-long dream of passing Liverpool out in titles won when Utd won the Premiership last season. Yes, I'm sure that was his ambition when St Mirren were sacking him.

Has the standard of Irish journalism got so low, that basic facts and the ability to produce sensible sentances are beyond them?. I know some of my own posts on here may lack clarity on occassions, but AAM is not my job.

It just get's on my nerves and I seem to be hearing more and more of it
Some the errors in sports reporting is incredible, especially for minor sports

In the Indo's Galway raceweek supplement, they had a picture of Tracy Piggott and referred to her late father Lester Piggott

One of the papers referred to John Higgin's shedding tears after his WC win in May this year due to the death of his father, Alex Higgins earlier in the year
Not quite the same but on Sky News yesterday during one of their economic reports they had on the news wall something about a cut in BENIFITS
Sky Sports News the other night reporting on Steven Gerrard's latest injusy setback, and highlighted the matches he could possibly miss. They had a caption up with his picture beside it.. however it wasnt him in the picture, it was a picture of a waxwork version of Steven Gerrard.
The BBC website (I think) had a picture of AP McCoy at Zara Phillips wedding and referred to him as Kieren Fallon, despite McCoy being the reigning BBC Sports Personality of the Year.
Nearly every morning RTE gives the time incorrect at some stage and rarely correct their error. it does not affect me as i am an early riser but must give some people a fright!
Nearly every morning RTE gives the time incorrect at some stage and rarely correct their error. it does not affect me as i am an early riser but must give some people a fright!

Stopped listening for that very reason,it wasnt the odd time either it was very other morning..I mean how difficult is it to read a clock and say the correct time simultaneously.
I used to lie there snoozing and near have a heart attack as one of the lightweights mismanaged this simple task...listen to Today FM now,no more jumping out of bed an hour earlier than I should.
No matter what one thinks of the current furore regarding the pre retirement leave in FAS it must be said that the Indo's piece on the matter yesterday was appallingly misleading.

One was left with the impression that all 2000 employees were entitled to this leave whereas the Examiner today revealed that a total of 105 employees benefitted from this condition which harks back to the 80's & the days of ANCO.

Thank God for " de paper "
Has the standard of Irish journalism got so low, that basic facts and the ability to produce sensible sentances are beyond them?

I started a new job three years ago, and it is job a associated with a highly controversial subject. On a day to day basis I am able to see how things really are, and I am able to read what the newspapers print. What is printed in the newspapers about this particular subject is mostly incorrect rubbish! Everyone from highly qualified professionals, TDs, RTE presenters, and Ireland's more famous journalists fail to accurately portray the real story. Sensationalized stories are preferred sometimes to accurate reporting.
Gerry Thornley In the Irish times today. Who is felix Healy? How can he forget a warm up match against England when talking about warm up fixtures? To be fair, who does the proof reading?
Another thing that never fails to annoy me and this is peculiar to RTE radio,the presenter asks a question and just as the guest is answering it the lightweight presenter interrupts them with another question,or even worse the guest makes an interesting point that is just begging to be expanded on and the lightweight fails to pick up on it and lets it pass unchallenged/unquestioned.
I think they reckon this makes them sound like Brian Farrell or Olivia O leary,it doesnt it just makes for hard to listen to radio interviews conducted by what seems like a drop out student of a PLC communications course.
I started a new job three years ago, and it is job a associated with a highly controversial subject. On a day to day basis I am able to see how things really are, and I am able to read what the newspapers print. What is printed in the newspapers about this particular subject is mostly incorrect rubbish! Everyone from highly qualified professionals, TDs, RTE presenters, and Ireland's more famous journalists fail to accurately portray the real story. Sensationalized stories are preferred sometimes to accurate reporting.

Indeed, I see this too. Having been at the heart of a couple of issues that got extensive press coverage over the years, I often found that pretty much all the TV and press coverage, except possibly some of the Sunday papers was very, very superficial, and never got beyond the basics.