Student loan/Car loan - which bank?




I am looking to take out a small loan to go back to university next year to do a postgraduate diploma. I would have been eligible for a full grant but now all postgraduate funding has been cut I need to take a loan out.

My personal account is with AIB and our business account is with BOI. I also have an account with Credit Union but have not used it in years. I've just set up a savings account with EBS but this is for our business.

Which bank should I go to for a small loan of 6000-10000?

I have never taken a loan out before and have never had an overdraft.

Also, as I have not had continuous employment with one company for any decent length of time, I have been told that it will be almost impossible for me to get a mortgage unless I show that I took out a small loan and paid it back in the timeframe with no missed payments. Is this correct?

I would certainly suggest your credit union. They are likely to be the cheapest depending on which particular one you belong to and have less red tape. If you pay by direct debit from your bank you will effectively build up a credit rating with both the credit union and the bank (and possibly ICB if your credit union belongs to it).

Good luck with the post-grad.