Stamp duty and Fianna Fail promises


Registered User
hi, i'm a FTB and wondering if anyone can help please?
went sale agreed on a house at the end of last year, have been waiting on the current occupants to vacate as htey are moving to a new build.
we signed the documents, drew down the 10% deposit etc in March this year, and are still waiting to move into the property as the occupants new house has been delayed.
so, my question is, we havent yet closed the deal, and will do in the next couple of weeks, so if FF get back into power and cancel stamp duty backdated to 1st may, will we have to pay?

bit long winded but wantin to get advice before i get onto my solicitor so i have some other opinions. thanks!
I believe its completions after the 30th April, so you should be ok as you havent yet closed the deed yet.
thanks for the quick riposte smartgirl, very helpful. think i'd still rather pay the 11k stamp duty than see FF/PDs returned but either way there's the silver lining.......
Dont believe them for a second though. Look at all the other promises they gave.