Split savings to be covered by multiple guarantee schemes?


Registered User
Does this mke sense to anyone?

If I had say €200k+ in cash savings and I wanted security, would it make sense to split the deposits into say AIB (Irish deposit protection scheme), Rabo (Dutch deposit protection scheme) & Northern Rock (UK deposit protection scheme).

Would this be a good way to protect against IRL Plc going bust and the guarantee scheme failing? Are there medium term concerns of the purchasing power of the Euro?

What would be your advice on saving €200k+ when the hierarchy of concerns would be:

1. Security
2. Security
3. Return
4. Access
If safety is your primary concern, you can do better then AIB. Nationwide UK are AA rated and offer 3.30%.
There is an office in Dublin, but account management options are only phone, internet and post. So I don't think they want you to drop in.
If you are ultra concerned about the security of your funds its worth pointing out that NWUK is not covered under the Irish deposit protection scheme but is covered by the UK scheme (i.e.,up to £50k). Not that I'm expecting them to go bust!